36min2021 JAN 13


7. Growth MindsetOr words make worlds. What we say toourselves creates the canvas on which we paint the day and night. Our self-talkdoes not speak to us. It often yells at us. We must learn to speak to ourselveswith an empowering voice and use a growth mindset. What does it mean to have agrowth mindset? And why is it important for health as we come to the end ofthis course, why is having a growth mindset important to continue on andsustain your health journey?[00:00:42] The sixth and final key ofhealthier living is a growth mindset. We all make mistakes and we should treatthese times as opportunities to learn and grow. Own up to your mistakes andfind ways to fix them, have compassion, especially for yourselves. Why is itimportant own up to your mistakes and find ways to fix them?[00:01:10] Have compassion, especially foryourselves. Remember that coach approach now growth mindset comes from the workof Carol Dweck at Stanford. There are two basic mindsets. According to her...
