15min2021 JAN 13


6. Social Connections Quality connections are critical for our happiness and our health. We need people in our lives love and a sense of belonging. Our basic human needs. And are included in Mazlow's original hierarchy of needs. Many of us take this for granted and in stressful times, we've had more difficulty cultivating these connections, but. [00:00:34] We must, why are social connections of basic human needs and how can you cultivate high quality connections at work? The fifth key of healthier living is social connections. One of our basic human needs is our sense of belonging or connection. Creating high quality connections at work and at home where there's trust and you can voice your thoughts and worries in a productive way is critical for your health. [00:01:11] By building high quality connections, the workplace can be at its highest level of powerful outcomes. For example, in your product development process, business negotiation, or a meeting among colleagues. When ...
