對自己好一點:“瑜伽第一夫人”的心靈工坊(附英文原稿)6. Sex, Love and Spirituality
27min2021 JAN 13
6. Sex, Love and SpiritualityHey, I'm Coleen Saban. Ye and this is yogafor life.[00:00:23] there's an underlying beliefthat somehow we aren't enough that we are unworthy frogs and losers and yogafor life. We will uncover these self-imposed limitations that are. Keeping usfrom contentment and freedom. We will talk about caring too much. What othersthink fear of not adding up seeking comfort, divorce, aging, relationships,grief, power, and of course sex.[00:00:48] One of my favorite topics inthis podcast, you can expect open real and raw dialogue about what keeps ourhearts heavy spirit, hidden and potential limited. We will give you yoga toolsto peel back the layers, to find compassion and love for the person that isliving in your body and to learn to live the present moment fully with all ofits glory and its pain.[00:01:14] If you are loving thesepodcasts, it would be incredibly helpful. If you could go to Apple podcasts andleave a review for yoga for life, I will read t...