化解壓力 | 焦慮緩解專家的職場減壓術(附英文原稿)2. How to Identify and Eliminate Stress Triggers 如何識别和消除壓力誘因
17min2020 NOV 24
2. How to Identify and Eliminate StressTriggers 2.如何識别和消除壓力觸發因素 Hello, and welcometo episode two of managing stress at work. In this episode, you'll learn allabout stress triggers, including what they are and how to identify yourpersonal stress triggers. 大家好,歡迎收看第二集工作壓力管理。在這節課中,你將學習所有關於壓力觸發的知識,包括它們是什麼以及如何識别你的個人壓力觸發因素。So you canprepare for them, reduce their impact or eliminate them altogether. 所以你可以為它們做準備,減少它們的影響或者完全消除它們。 So, first ofall, well, you might be wondering what a stress trigger actually is. A stresstrigger is something that stimulates your stress response. For example, one ofmy stress triggers when I worked in an office where I handled multiple projectsat once was realizing that I'd forgotten to reply to an important email forseveral days. 所以,首先,你可能想知道什麼是壓力觸發。壓力觸發是刺激你的壓力反應的東西。例如,當我在一個同時處理多個項目...