化解壓力 | 焦慮緩解專家的職場減壓術(附英文原稿)

化解壓力 | 焦慮緩解專家的職場減壓術(附英文原稿)

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1 小時 33 分鐘
6 聲音



1. 本課程由正念教練和焦慮專家Rachael Kable親授,會教你如何充分利用這些無休止的工作時間,掌握消除壓力的有效方法。 

2. 在這一系列10門課中,你將學到:如何處理工作帶來的壓力 ;壓力觸發的元素是什麼,如何消除;調用和發揮能量的方法 。

3. 聽完這節課后,將幫助你提升工作效率,在工作中感受到幸福感和目標感。

4. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解這門課程。

  • Rachael Kable
    Rachael Kable
    Rachael Kable是一位正念教練和焦慮專家,The Mindful Kind Podcast的博客和主持人。她曾為焦慮症康複中心做過誌願服務,並且在正念障礙方面有著豐富的經驗。 在播客節目中,Kable熱情地為她的聽眾提供有趣、適用的方式來管理壓力並在工作場所找到幸福感。

2. How to Identify and Eliminate StressTriggers 2.如何識别和消除壓力觸發因素 Hello, and welcometo episode two of managing stress at work. In this episode, you'll learn allabout stress triggers, including what they are and how to identify yourpersonal stress triggers. 大家好,歡迎收看第二集工作壓力管理。在這節課中,你將學習所有關於壓力觸發的知識,包括它們是什麼以及如何識别你的個人壓力觸發因素。So you canprepare for them, reduce their impact or eliminate them altogether. 所以你可以為它們做準備,減少它們的影響或者完全消除它們。 So, first ofall, well, you might be wondering what a stress trigger actually is. A stresstrigger is something that stimulates your stress response. For example, one ofmy stress triggers when I worked in an office where I handled multiple projectsat once was realizing that I'd forgotten to reply to an important email forseveral days. 所以,首先,你可能想知道什麼是壓力觸發。壓力觸發是刺激你的壓力反應的東西。例如,當我在一個同時處理多個項目...

3. Preparing for a Productive Day 3.為富有成效的一天做準備 Hello, and welcome to episode threeof managing stress at work. If you're ready to start overcoming procrastinationand boosting your productivity so you can have more efficient working days,then this episode is for you. You'll be learning why procrastination occurs.How procrastination contributes to stress and symbol productivity tips to helpyou complete your work on time, including how to boost motivation and how toestablish supportive routines at work. 大家好,歡迎收看第三集工作壓力管理。如果你已經準備好克服拖延症,提高你的工作效率,那麼這一集就是為你準備的。你會知道為什麼會拖延。拖延是如何產生壓力的,這是一個能幫助你按時完成工作的技巧,包括如何增強動力,以及如何在工作中建立起支持性的慣例。 If you find yourself procrastinatingat work, you're not alone. Joseph Ferrari. A professor of psychology hasconducted research that suggests around 20% of us adults are chronicprocrastinators. So what exactly is proc...

Trailer: Managing Stress At Work 預告片:管理工作壓力 Hello, I'm Rachel cable. I'm amindfulness teacher, published author and host of the mindful kind podcast.Having experienced stress and anxiety. From a young age, I went to universityto study psychology, where I learned powerful stress management skills andstarted applying them to my own life. In 2015, I began sharing my knowledge viamy podcast and blog. 你好,我是雷切爾·凱布爾。我是一個正念老師,發表過《正念類播客》的作者和主持人。經歷過壓力和焦慮。從很小的時候,我上大學學習心理學,在那里我學到了強大的壓力管理技能,並開始將它們應用到我自己的生活中。2015年,我開始通過播客和博客分享我的知識。 I created the managing stress atwork course. Knowing that many people experience work stress, which doesn'tjust impact their work life, but can flow into other important areas, such asrelationships, self care, and physical health in managing stress at work you'lldiscover effective ways to reduce work-related stress ...

1. Introduction to Managing Stress at Work 1.工作壓力管理導論Welcome to episode one of managingstress at work. I'm Rachel cable, a published author, mindfulness teacher, andhost of the mindful kind podcast. With a background in psychology and livedexperiences of stress and anxiety. I'm excited to bring you this course toempower you with simple and effective ways of managing stress at work. 歡迎來到第一集管理工作壓力。我是雷切爾·凱布爾,一位出版的作家,正念老師,同時也是正念類播客的主持人。有心理學背景,經歷過壓力和焦慮。我很高興為您帶來這門課程,讓您掌握簡單有效的工作壓力管理方法。 In this episode, you'll learn whystress occurs, why it's important to manage work stress effectively, and someof the common causes of stress at work. By the end of this episode, you'll alsohave a thorough understanding of what work stress is and how to identify it,which is important because awareness is often the first key step towardsmanaging stress. 在這節課中,你將了解為什麼會出...

4. Setting Boundaries with DifficultColleagues4.與難相處的同事設定界限 Hello, andwelcome to episode four of managing stress at work. In this episode, you'll belearning simple and effective assertiveness skills for the workplace. So youcan protect your energy value and express your needs and stand up for yourselfwhen necessary. Not only will these assertiveness skills and techniques helpyou set boundaries with difficult colleagues. 大家好,歡迎收看第四集工作壓力管理。在這節課中,你將學習簡單有效的職場自信技巧。因此,你可以保護你的能量價值,表達你的需求,並在必要時為自己辯護。這些自信的技巧和技巧不僅能幫助你與難相處的同事建立界限。 They can helpyou deal with challenging bosses, clients, customers, or anyone else youinteract with 他們可以幫助你應對富有挑戰性的老板、客戶、客戶或任何與你交往的人 This is a styleof communication that involves expressing and honoring your thoughts andfeelings openly in a way that doesn't violate the rights of others. When you're...

5. The Power of Mindful Breaks 5.意識到了力量 Hello, andwelcome to episode five of managing stress at work. In this episode, you'll belearning an amazing strategy to help you boost productivity and manage stress.It's a strategy I use every single working day and it's helped me achieve someamazing things. Including writing my book, the mindful kind in just eightmonths, not only does this strategy help you get your work done, but it canalso introduce more balance into your working days so you can engage in moreself-care and look after your wellbeing, the strategy is taking mindful breaks.大家好,歡迎收看第五集工作壓力管理。在這一集中,你將學習一個驚人的策略,幫助你提高生產力和管理壓力。這是我每一個工作日都在使用的策略,它幫助我實現了一些驚人的事情。包括寫我的書《八個月內的正念》(the Minident kind in just 8個月),這一策略不僅能幫助你完成工作,還能讓你在工作中獲得更多的平衡,這樣你就可以進行更多的自我照顧,照顧好自己的健康,這個策略就是讓你的注意力得到休息。 In thi...

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