6min2020 NOV 25


Welcome 歡迎光臨 Hey, it's Seth.And this is the nine nine principles that separate successful projects from theones that don't work. So well, of course, for entrepreneurs and people who seekto make a difference. Hey, it's Seth. I've been an entrepreneur and afreelancer for 40 years. It's been a long journey along the way. 嘿,我是賽斯。這就是把成功的項目和不成功的項目區分開來的九九條原則。當然,對於企業家和那些想有所作為的人來說。嘿,我是賽斯。我做了40年的企業家和自由職業者。這是一段漫長的旅程。 I've interactedwith literally millions of people who care enough to show up and do the hardwork of being an entrepreneur. If you're one of those people, this is a coursefor you before we get started some things to understand the first, what does iteven mean to be an entrepreneur? Look around, look around the built world, allaround us, whether it's the buildings or the sidewalk to culture, we engage inthe local school, all of it, every single element of it, sooner or lat...
