Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer
15min2022 JUN 2
Play Episode


Let’s talk about gaps in our kids’ home education. We can homeschool beyond doubt, uncertainty, and that not-good-enough feeling when we get clear on the question, “What makes you question whether your kids’ education isn’t good enough?” So what about gaps in my child’s home education? Download your Deschool your Homeschool Checklist These infamous things called gaps: what even are they? Gaps. * The word suggests there’s something missing.* Someone forgot something.* Someone didn’t catch all the details the first time, the second time, the quadrilionth time.* Someone forgot to share something.* Someone’s missing something. (Or if you’re thinking about the latest fashion trends with reasonable prices, from a place called The Gap, that’s not what we’re talking about today). Straight up, I don’t believe there is an education out there that doesn’t have gaps. It’s not a thing. There are no children anywhere who make it through… * public school, * private school, * tutor...

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