Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer
30min2022 MAY 24
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There are many families who decide to remove their kids from school to bring them home to homeschool. And there are some who always knew they would homeschool. This episode is dedicated to the new(er) homeschool family that is bringing their kiddo home from school. I’m going to share with you my experience transitioning from school to homeschool. But first I want to share Michelle’s experience of overwhelm when she first brought her son home… Michelle brought her kiddo home sometime during the pandemic and she was feeling challenged. I asked her, what do you think your root for overwhelm is? Michelle said, “I think everything! But seriously, almost everything. My house is a mess, I’m worried I’m not doing the best for my son, I’m pretty sure he has some sensory processing issues that I’m trying to navigate on my own. We have no homeschooling friends. And if one more person in my family says the S word! It also doesn’t help that I feel my extended family “quizzes” my son a...

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