Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer
31min2022 JUN 14
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There are things I want to impart to my kids, no question. But learning doesn’t necessarily happen because I said something out loud, or because I have the kids read through a passage, narrate a passage, do the math worksheet, complete the lab report, or watch the video. There were some days, I expected them to be like little computers that could receive a daily upload. (I did this because it made me feel that their education was created & measured). If I could do the work to research a topic, buy the book, plan the lesson, and teach it once, twice, then reinforce it, the kids should learn, right? Alas, with many kids and many years, I’ve learned that most learning does not happen that way. So how to facilitate child-led learning in your homeschool? Download your Deschool your Homeschool Checklist In my early homeschool years, I often tried this classical teaching approach, doing the readings, lectures, and reviewing or expecting my child to return their readings with narrations (aka homeschool mama testing), and I was utterly surprised, and often frustrated,that they couldn’t regurgitate what I’d taught. Surely if I had done the work, and been creative and interesting, they would be able to regurgitate what I had so eagerly wanted to share with them. Rather, I learned these things: * If kids can discuss their readings, they are much more likely to process and keepthem stashed inside their brains. * If they can narrate, or tell me back something, I am much more likely to hear them regurgitate that fact later. But not always.* If we discuss it more than once, more than twice, it’s likely locked in. At least temporarily locked in.* But if they are interested in a subject, their little brains are fully front(al) and present. * There is no need to entice them to engage. * Engagement comes naturally, and easily, and is so much more fun for me to encourage their learning and their experimenting. * And obviously, this is so much more fun for them.* Oh, the depths they can go if they are given time to pursue their interests. So, of course, I have learned to bend in this direction. I’ve since learned that child-led learning in your homeschool WORKS. It works! Use this Deschool your Homeschool Workbook to Bring More Ease to your Homeschool Deschool your Homeschool Journaling WorkbookDeschool your homeschool journaling workbook that aids in your self-exploration, to get clear on how to bring freedom & individualization. $9.99 $5.99 Shop now 1. Your kids’ interests can always be accommodated in your homeschool. Our oldest daughter had a long-time interest in British history. It may have been Usborne books that introduced her to that subject area...

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