Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer
21min2022 MAY 17
Play Episode


Amy from Saskatchewan asked, “I have all the fears I suspect most moms might have begun their homeschool, but I also have a sense of peace that has replaced my sense of dread when I sent him to school. Do you have any tips?” If I could share a cup of tea with Amy, these would be my first thoughts. Download your Guide for your First Homeschool Year Here’s a beginner’s guide to your first year of homeschool. When my kids were young, our third daughter was just a baby, I was driving our oldest daughter to kindergarten, twice a day to a private school. The kitchen would be a disaster as I backed the minivan out of the attached garage, kids bundled in their snow gear, all three of them, consent forms signed for whatever activities Hannah needed permission for. When I returned from that 45-minute jaunt, I’d come home to a disaster in the kitchen so I’d clean that up and occupy the youngest two. When the kitchen was reasonable, I’d bend down to pull out my second daughter’s learnin...

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