Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer
20min2022 JUN 8
Play Episode


Two guys played in their garage tinkering with computer stuff for years: they became rather successful. Do you know who they are? You’re very possibly holding their Apple product in your hand. Curiosity and education: we know they work hand-in-hand. A good long while ago, there was also a curious artist and scientist who wondered why the shifts in constellations occurred. The church didn’t like his conclusion. In fact, the church government was ready to have this man’s head, literally. If he continued his blasphemy against the Scriptures: because clearly, obviously, the Scriptures declared the Earth was at the center of the Universe. Despite accusations of blasphemy and living under house arrest for the rest of his life, his seemingly questionable theory that the earth was rotating around the sun later became a scientific fact. (As you are aware). Let curiosity reign and education be individualized. Download your Deschool your Homeschool Checklist “If you can imagine it, you can...

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