12min2020 NOV 24


2.Mindfulness Is a Force Multiplier


Welcome back topuff mental health tools. Part two mindfulness is a force multiplier in thispart. We'll learn what mindfulness really is and how it can be leveraged tohelp us in every other aspect of our lives.



What ismindfulness? I heard the term, it doesn't mean pay more attention to things. Bemore careful. You know, a lot of people don't know exactly what it means, butit is a popular term comes from, you know, Buddhist philosophy, uh, Easterntraditions, but it's been integrated into like the newer ways of psychology aswell.



Essentially whatmindfulness is, is a way of being. So it's a way of being that is more presentfocused because a lot of times what happens is we have sort of regrets aboutthe past things that were wishing that we hadn't done things that we wish wedid missed opportunities. And then we also have fears for the future anxietiesabout the future.



I'm worried thatthis might happen. What if this happens, what's going to happen when I have todo XYZ. The president gets sort of totally shoved out of the way we don't livein the moment because we're so stuck between those regrets and those worriesthat there's no space for the present. And so what mindfulness does is it encouragedyou to be present in the moment and it's basically a state of beingnon-judgmentally present, right?



So you'rerecognizing what's happening around you. You're recognizing, you know, yourinternal sensations, external, all of that, but you're not judging it. Right.You're not judging the show heart. So harshly for people who have like mentalhealth difficulties sitting alone with your thoughts is sometimes one of thescariest things in the world.



You don't wantto just sit in to allow your thoughts to sort of be there. A lot of peopleexpect for their thoughts to spiral into a negative direction that workthemselves up. A lot of different things can happen, but mindfulness is a wayto get on better terms with your thoughts. Because one thing that we know isthat forcing a thought out of your head doesn't really work.



And this is aproblem. A lot of people have with like meditation, you know, if, if you askthem to, do you ever tried meditating? They go, Oh God, no, I can never clearmy mind. My mind just doesn't work that way. There's always stuff going on. So,you know, I try to say, okay, focus, go clear. Don't think about things.



And then, youknow, something pops up and they go, Oh God, I'm worried about work. Okay.Don't think about that. Don't think about that. Don't think about that. Or I'mworried about this date I have coming up. Okay. Don't think about that. Don'tthink about that, but that doesn't work, you know, if you, if you close youreyes and I tell you, okay, whatever you do, don't think of a purple monkey.



Like, you'regoing to think about a purple monkey, like stop thinking about a

purple monkey.Do not think about a purple monkey and the more you try to force it out, thebigger that purple monkey is getting, you know, and suddenly that's all you canthink about. That's the way it works with, with our thoughts, you know, in ageneral sense, the more we really, really forced them to get out of our heads.



The more theytake over control. And if you think about it, thoughts are just thoughts. Youknow, they don't necessarily have to dictate what's going on, what we're doingwith our actions. They're just thoughts. Well, a good way to describe it islike clouds. You know, if you look up in the sky on a cloudy day, you can seeall sorts of things.



Uh, you're goingto see, you know, nice fluffy clouds. You're going to see dark storm clouds.You're going to see clouds that look like a dog or a dragon or whatever. Butwhen you think about it, it's just all water vapor in the air. It's all

made at the samestuff. And so. The thoughts are the same way. You can have a good thought, abad thought.



You can have ascary thought and anxious thought, but if you stop labeling all of those asscary, anxious, good, bad. What have you? They are just thoughts and that'sokay.



What is thepurpose of being mindful and how can mindfulness help me? It's really importantbecause a lot of times, especially with people who are maybe a little bit moreanxious, you have sort of this, the second level anxiety where you have somesense of anxiety, some sense of stress, what have you. And then you have thisworry and stress about the fact that you're stressing, right?



So you're go tothe store and you're worried that, okay, it's going to be too crowded. I'mgoing to start getting worried. I'm going to start getting anxious and, and allthese different things that happened before when I was at the grocery store.And so you go in the moment you start getting any of that tightness, you go, OhGod, Oh God, it's happening.



I'm gettingscared of this. And then you work yourself into a panic attack or some negativeexperience because you're so worried about it happening. So the purpose ofbeing mindful to me is about recognizing what's going on with you and becomingmore efficient at allowing distractions to sort of just pass through yourawareness.



And when I saydistractions, I mean things other than what you're trying to focus on. Right.So in the middle of this talk, for instance, I might have a thought that, okay,did I make sure the front door is locked? Or what if I take too long to answerthis question? A lot of different things that can pop up or I can have physicalsensations, like, Oh my God, it's getting hot in this room.



Whatever any ofthese things could sort of crash into my awareness. And, and pull me from thesituation and what I'm trying to focus on, which is speaking with you rightnow. And so mindfulness allows you to not get as derailed by those things.You're going to have that thought, you're going to have that feeling.



You're going tohave that intruding experience. So is there a way for you to say, okay, That'sthere that's happening. Fine. Let me focus back on what I'm trying to focus on.And to me, that's really what mindfulness is all about and helps you a wholelot with things like productivity, multitasking. We don't really multitask ashumans.



Like we don'treally, truly do two things at once, but we can get better and better at beingable to switch back and forth intimately without losing our place in what we'redoing. You know, you're, you're trying to type something up and you get a phonecall. Can you notice that phone call and then go back to what you're doing?



You know, samesort of muscle that you're flexing here. So mindfulness is really just thatstate of being present focused, focused on whatever it is that you have, youknow, in your attentional sort of beam. If we're thinking of it like aflashlight, you know, you shine your flashlight on something, a distraction




You shine thatflashlight on the distraction very, very quickly say, okay, that's there. Let'snot judge it. Let's not make it bigger than it needs to be, but trying to forceit out. But let's also redirect back to what we're trying to focus on.



what are some effectivemindfulness practices and resources? There's a

really greatexercise for this. And it's, it's very simple and there's a lot of differentways you can do this, but the sort of main structure is the same. So the waythat I like to do it is with a breathing exercise, a little bit different thana breathing exercise.



That's particularly for relaxation. It's not necessarily designedfor relaxation.

You might getrelaxed in the process and that's a cool, happy side effect, but it's not forthat. What you do is you just breathe. Good job. You're breathing. That's thefirst part. And you don't have to change anything in any particular way, butwhat you want to do is change your attention.



So you draw yourattention to your breath and really the physical sensation of your breath. Andit's going to be different for everybody. And maybe you focus on the rise andfall of your chest. Maybe it's the cool air coming in the sensation like inyour throat or your nose, wherever it is, you focus intensely on that onesensation having to do with your breath.



Being humanafter a few seconds or a minute, whatever, you're going to get distracted bysomething. You're going to think about something else. There's going to be anintrusion from your environment. You're going to feel something physical, andthat's going to pull your attention away from that focus.



This is whereyou get to practice, that sort of efficiency that I was talking about. So, uh,imagine sort of like a, you know, you're, you're pulling a box off a shelf, soyou have a distraction and it's like rattling at you. Okay. Let me pull thatbox off of the shelf. Open it up. See what's inside. Okay. It's a physical painor it's a worry, or it's a sound that I heard.



Okay. That's what you say to yourself. Yousay, okay, that's what it is. You label it. You, you allow it to be there. Thenyou put it back up on the shelf and then the trick is direct your attentionback to that breath. What was it that I was focusing on? You get yourself backto that. Couple of seconds later, you're going to get another distraction.



Okay. Pull itoff the shelf. Look at it. Don't call it good. Don't call it bad. Don't labelit. Just say what it is, right. Don't give it some sort of negative name orsomething. Just say, okay, I'm feeling this way. Then put it back on the shelf,redirect your attention back to the breath. And you do that over and over, youknow, do that for 15 minutes at a time.



Something like that.And the weird thing is that it actually works, you know, after a while youpractice this, you know, maybe every day or several times per week, and yourealize suddenly as you're going through life, Those stray thoughts or thestraight distractions aren't pulling you. So harshly away from what you'retrying to focus on, it's actually a strategy that a lot of, uh, athletes use,you know, um, if you're in a game of basketball game or like an e-sports game,I actually used to do this with e-sports athletes.



If you want tocall them that and competitive gamers, because if you're in the middle of thegame and you feel like you're starting to play bad, or you're worried about howyour team's performing, you get distracted by something that can really pullyou out of it. And so you start performing more.



Poorly too. Andso, uh, if you can find a way to notice what those concerns are, but redirectyour attention back to the game without getting totally pulled out of it orworked up or whatever the case may be, then there's a better chance that you'regoing to be able to stick with it and do better in that




So it's reallyall about that efficiency. Yeah. And so you can use it with your breath. Youcan do it with anything. You can do it with a. You watching the flame of acandle and using that as your focal point and then Reno redirecting back to it.Any time you get distracted, uh, you could, you know, get on the basketballcourt and start shooting.
所以這一切都是為了提高效率。是 啊。所以你可以用它來呼吸。你什麼都可以做。你可以用a來做。你觀察一根蠟燭的火焰,然后把它作為你的焦點,然后雷諾重定向回它。任何時候你分心了,呃,你可以,你知道,到籃球場上開始投籃。



Free-throws itfocused very intensely on everything happening, the sensation of the ball, thefeeling of the wind, the sounds, all of that, your emotions. And anytime youget distracted from that, you can pull your attention back to it, whatever youwant to do, you just pick a focal point and practice that attentional shift,and you will get better at it.



What makesmindfulness a force multiplier? So I do think of mindfulness as a forcemultiplier because it sort of enhances everything else that you do. Right. Ialready talked a little bit about how productivity is involved. You know, ifyou're trying to be more productive in work or personal projects, mindfulness helpswith that because you're able to better withstand distractions, better, bebetter able to stay in the zone.



I also think whenyou're trying to work on your mental health, It's very, very helpful. Um,imagine somebody who is doing what we call exposure, work for anxiety, they'retrying to get themselves, uh, to be more tolerant of anxiety, to not letanxiety rattle them so much. And so they're sort of standing up to the thingsthat make them anxious.



Uh, the, themost extreme example would be people who have like a Gora phobia and can'tleave the house. So they're trying to get better and better at being outside ofthe house for more extended periods of time in places that are more threateningfor them. Mindfulness really, really helps. Enhance that experience because youknow, as you're walking down the street to your mailbox for your exposureexercise, your mind's going to start going through all these catastrophicscenarios.



What if a meteorcomes and hits me? What if a dog comes in, you know, tries to attack me? Whatif my neighbor sees me and thinks I'm weird, whatever you can invent any sortof scenario, but mindfulness allows you to instead try to focus on thatexperience. Just focus on each step one step at a time, focus on trying to getto.



That mailbox or,you know, whatever your situation is. And then when those different thingscrash into your awareness, you can recognize them, but you don't need to workyourself up about them. You don't need to make them such a monster. You'd say,okay, they're there, let's put that back on the shelf and continue trying to dowhat we're trying to do.



So it just kindof expands the effect of whatever else you're doing. And so I'm a really,really huge fan of this for anybody. But especially if you're trying to makesome sort of progress in your mental health life,

