Mystic Grace PodcastPODCAST #26 The Ark
56min2022 MAR 25
Welcome!"Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear” Spring Equinox Blessings from Phoenix, Arizona for this special narration of“The Ark” envisioned by EvelynNolt, published in 1965. This vision, this prophecy, that came into Evelyn’s mind was so profound that it was carried by The Eagles to Menno and Sharon Pauls in BC Canada. (See Podcast #9) Throughout the true story of their own lives, Menno and Sharon were chosen to follow actual encounters with“hobo angels” and other supernal human beings who gave them instructions to begin gathering the harvest. The human harvest. When Menno and Sharon began to share their story, it materialized by tape recording first and then translated into the extraordinary manuscript of“The Gathering of the Eagles” (published by Ray Hudson). It traveled all over the world without a pennyexchanged and still does to this day. When Evelyn was offered a copy of The Eagles story, she cried with joy knowing that her vision, this prophecy was miraculously similar t...