Mystic Grace Podcast
49min2021 DEC 24


The Soul Body: Taking Back Our Soul Power Podcast #25 Welcome to all! From Colleen and friends, Drs. Hurtak in West Sedona, AZ “Our Soul is doomed to perfection!” writes Dr. JJ Hurtak in his book, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch - a best selling 612 page book first published in 1973. Searching for many years, studying the Sanskrit, the Coptic, and the Greek texts of philosophy as well as the mystical experiences, Dr. JJ wanted to convey to his students a more profound explanation and not just a philosophical understanding of “The Eternal One.” With all his heart and soul in search for God, Dr. Hurtak as a young scholar, turned his body into a musical instrument through chanting, singing, and praying for “A taste of the Eternal Living Experience.’’He was granted not just a taste but was taken to a heavenly, glorious banquet. Dr. Hurtak describes his experience as a “Beatific Vision” where multi-dimensional realities suddenly surrounded him with a whole stream of col...
