Mystic Grace Podcast
1h 12min2021 NOV 5


PODCAST #24 Hopi Grandmother Pershlie Ami I am Dawa Mana, born to the earth through my mother - Sand Clan. Protected by the sun, my father - Sun Forehead Clan, Nourished and guided by Corn and Water clan with myhusband. I am a Hopi-Tewa woman who possesses power of peace and balance. My creators the Sand, Sun, Water and Corn have given me the mission to bring happiness to the universe. I pray for the opportunity to guide, I pray for the opportunity to be of service, I pray for the opportunity to heal. I am constantly grateful for my life and my family, I am grateful for mychallenges that give me strength. My mind and heart are open to receive new ideas and new ways to bring peace to the universe. I am grateful to be Hopi, People of Peace. Eskwali, Perci. Hopi Prophecy “When the Grandmothers speak, the world will begin to heal.” With the touch of their ageless hands, Grandmother says“everything will be okay.” Grandfather heartily agrees.Grandmother Perci is a wisdom gatherer/shar...
