Mystic Grace Podcast

Mystic Grace Podcast

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The life and travels of a mystic girl who grew up in Mystic, CT and journeys the world in search of the truth between the powerful ego material world and the spiritual one. Contact Colleen at or visit

Welcome!"Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear” Spring Equinox Blessings from Phoenix, Arizona for this special narration of“The Ark” envisioned by EvelynNolt, published in 1965. This vision, this prophecy, that came into Evelyn’s mind was so profound that it was carried by The Eagles to Menno and Sharon Pauls in BC Canada. (See Podcast #9) Throughout the true story of their own lives, Menno and Sharon were chosen to follow actual encounters with“hobo angels” and other supernal human beings who gave them instructions to begin gathering the harvest. The human harvest. When Menno and Sharon began to share their story, it materialized by tape recording first and then translated into the extraordinary manuscript of“The Gathering of the Eagles” (published by Ray Hudson). It traveled all over the world without a pennyexchanged and still does to this day. When Evelyn was offered a copy of The Eagles story, she cried with joy knowing that her vision, this prophecy was miraculously similar t...

The Soul Body: Taking Back Our Soul Power Podcast #25 Welcome to all! From Colleen and friends, Drs. Hurtak in West Sedona, AZ “Our Soul is doomed to perfection!” writes Dr. JJ Hurtak in his book, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch - a best selling 612 page book first published in 1973. Searching for many years, studying the Sanskrit, the Coptic, and the Greek texts of philosophy as well as the mystical experiences, Dr. JJ wanted to convey to his students a more profound explanation and not just a philosophical understanding of “The Eternal One.” With all his heart and soul in search for God, Dr. Hurtak as a young scholar, turned his body into a musical instrument through chanting, singing, and praying for “A taste of the Eternal Living Experience.’’He was granted not just a taste but was taken to a heavenly, glorious banquet. Dr. Hurtak describes his experience as a “Beatific Vision” where multi-dimensional realities suddenly surrounded him with a whole stream of col...

PODCAST #24 Hopi Grandmother Pershlie Ami I am Dawa Mana, born to the earth through my mother - Sand Clan. Protected by the sun, my father - Sun Forehead Clan, Nourished and guided by Corn and Water clan with myhusband. I am a Hopi-Tewa woman who possesses power of peace and balance. My creators the Sand, Sun, Water and Corn have given me the mission to bring happiness to the universe. I pray for the opportunity to guide, I pray for the opportunity to be of service, I pray for the opportunity to heal. I am constantly grateful for my life and my family, I am grateful for mychallenges that give me strength. My mind and heart are open to receive new ideas and new ways to bring peace to the universe. I am grateful to be Hopi, People of Peace. Eskwali, Perci. Hopi Prophecy “When the Grandmothers speak, the world will begin to heal.” With the touch of their ageless hands, Grandmother says“everything will be okay.” Grandfather heartily agrees.Grandmother Perci is a wisdom gatherer/shar...

PODCAST #23 “Finding The Missing Peace” A Healing Journey to Wholeness by Chris-Duffy Wentzel A Cherokee morning blessing - “We n’ de ya ho” “I am of the Great Spirit” Happy Mother’s Day! To our beautiful Mother Earth, guardian and protector of her great spirit for all life, we wish to honor you this day and everyday that we are born here. For she is our own adopted mother earth who allows us to journey upon, to live and breathe the mystery of her heartbeat and her love. And this is exactly what Chris Duffy-Wentzel has done with her true story - “Finding the Missing Peace.” The love and compassion and respect that you will find here, transcends all religions, cultures and languages. It will invite you to honor your own journey and walk your own uniquepath. Beginning with her mystery birth, her adoption and trying to piece together the secrets of her unknown birth family, it will take great courage and acts of faith to move mountains andthe adoption agency ...

Happy Valentines Day with June Rettinger de Arballo and Colleen from Sedona, Arizona. This Month of February is dedicated to the blessings of the Heart, to the very soul of our lives. At this time of struggle for our breath of life, we need the prayers and blessings of our ancestors more than ever. Everything we think, do and say, leaves an imprinton the heart somewhere. That is why we need prayers, songs and blessings. June tells us that, “A blessing can change your life! Ancestors are real. We have a direct link to them because they have walked this earth, living and breathing thefour elements of earth, wind, water and fire. They are supporting us all the time, even the unborn.” June’s own ancestry is Apache, Spanish, Mexican, and German. She is a dual citizen of the United States and Mexico and follows her spiritual practice from her mother’s heritage of Apache and Mexican. She comes from a family of seers where it was perfectly normal to sit around the kitchen table and talk...

PODCAST #21 We Are the Miracle Workers. Part 2 Sound Healing with Sharon Holleran The miracle of Sound Healing! How Sharon healed her crippling back pain through the vibration of crystal singing bowls. In 2012, unable to walk, shewas brought to an old church in Pasadena, CA called the “Church of Truth.” * What happened to Sharon was a miracle and yet she had complete trust in the hope and possibility that it would work.The sound of the bowls triggered that memory of self-healing and halfway through the sound bath, she felt “all thiscrackling of energy and blood flowing down my legs.” After about six months of using this healing power of sound, Sharon was completely healed. She could go hiking againand do anything she wanted to do. We can do that now. We must do that now. For this is the only real, natural, free energy left to us to practice. Throughout this podcast, Sharon also shares some remarkable experiences on her healing journey, her encounters withother off-world realitie...

Through divine intervention and our own heartbeat, we ourselves become the strongest antidote to all the fear and ambivalence that we find in our world today. We are the embodiment of Creation! We need to reclaim our voice, our laughter and our song. Come on a healing journey with me through the heartbeat of the drum and let us together close this year 2020 and turn our thoughts to a greater vision of our true selves and the true power of what we can accomplish through divine intervention. This meditation, this “Light scan” of our body will help you to seek and find and help to destroy anything that is making you ill. Through your own memory and connection to God, to the True Source of Creation, it is time to take our power back and heal ourselves. Let us use our gifts our creativity and our faith to exercise that power of our own birthright. THE LIGHT WINS! OUR LOVE WINS! AHO “Little White Buffalo”

Podcast #19 “ A Christmas Letter” From The Academy For Future Science with Drs. JJ &Desiree Hurtak and Mystic Grace in Sedona, Arizona “A Happy Christmas to you! For the Prince of Peace is come, And his reign is full of blessings, Their very crown and sum. No earthly calm can ever last, Tis but the lull before the blast; But His great Peace shall still increase In mighty, all-rejoicing sway: His kingdom in thy heart cannever pass away.” Just this week during Winter Solstice, we see a new light inour earthly skies as Jupiter and Saturn once again conjunctafter 800 years. We find ourselves in auspicious awe at thesight of it and we call it “The Christmas Star.” Is it a good sign? A warning? It comes at the end of themost challenging year of 2020 as we humans, we shepherds of our beautiful planet havebeen stopped in our tracks just like some of the shepherdswere two thousand years ago. As we listen to the ancient melody of “The First Nowell”(Noel), written in 1833, What was the...

Hello! From Sedona, Arizona and the headquarters of the Academy For Future Science. We are together once again this time to reach out to all those young graduates and future graduates of “Spaceship Earth.” Thank you to my beautiful nieces Megan and Abby who helped to shape the topic of conversation with Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak with their thoughtful questions. Abby is graduating high school and going on to a New England College and Megan has completed one year of college, also near her home in Connecticut. I could not imagine graduating in a car with my cap and gown and having to cope with all the restrictions. How does one not touch or give their classmates a hug? I can’t help thinking of how unnatural and unfamiliar itmust feel to them. And yet, you have come to live on the new frontier of hope and change! To be the new star seeds of the future. Dr. JJ explains that life is about connecting the dots with myriads of opportunities. “We are a unique cosmology and we are all toget...

A flowering house plant, called Crown of Thorns Corona De Cristo,native to Madagascar,that thrives on neglect and yet, blooms throughout the year, indoors or out. An evergreen succulent named Crown of Thorns due a legend that the thorny crown of Jesus was made from this plant’s stems. At the headquarters of the Academy For Future Science in Sedona, Arizona, we gather together with Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak for prayer, meditation and discussion in the midst of the worldwide pandemic, the coronavirus. Feeling the protection of the Crown of Light as we walk through the shadow of fear, we are capable of drawing in the Light of above, the Light of our Crown, our eternal connection with God. Drs. Hurtaks believe that it is through the invocation of sacred music and sound, sacred language and the sacred names of God which can protect and heal mankind’s suffering, especially at this crucial time. To better understand the sound of our own divine mind and vibratory nature, we petition and vi...

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