美劇筆記之【絕望主婦】絕望主婦 | 精講第72期: 仇怨
16min2020 JAN 3
S01E17 Rex: "What are these?" Bree: "They're brochures for youth detention centers." Rex: "How long have you had these?" Bree: "They've been in the drawer for a few months. I had a feeling we might be needing them." Rex: "Bree, I don't know." Bree: "We have to admit that we need help. If we can't get through to Andrew then we have to find someone who can." Rex: "You really want to send our son away to some prison camp?" Bree: "Oh come on, don't be so dramatic. Some of these places actually look fun. Look. Camp Hennessey." (reading) "Camp Hennessey teaches kids respect for authority and boundaries in a summer camp-like atmosphere." Rex: "The perimeter is surrounded by an electrified fence." Bree: "Well, you have to admit that's an efficient way to teach respect for boundaries. Okay, how about this one. It's perfect for A...