美劇筆記之【絕望主婦】絕望主婦 | 精講第70期: 防火防盜防閨蜜
19min2019 SEP 24
S01E17 Scene 1 Bill: "Hey listen, I'm about to break for lunch. How would you like to join me?" Susan: "Lunch?" Bill: "Yeah. Lunch." Susan: "Are you asking me out on a date?" Bill: "That sounds kind of formal for a burrito and a can of soda but, yeah, I guess I am." Susan: "Aren't you dating Edie?" Bill: "We went out on a date, we're not dating." Susan: "Oh." Bill: "So how about it? I'm buying." Susan: "Yeah. I just got out of this relationship with this guy, Mike, and it's kind of complicated. Anyway, I'm just not even sure where I am right now emotionally, I'm just all jumbled up and I don't think I could leap right into something new, relationship wise, you know, at the moment." Bill: "Again. Just a burrito." Susan: "Sorry." Bill: "Okay, I understand. Sounds like you need a little time to refle...