美劇筆記之【絕望主婦】絕望主婦 | 精講第66期: 這鍋我不背
22min2019 AUG 24
S01E16 Lynette: "Nurse Abigail?" Nurse Abigail: "Mrs. Scavo, right? The twins' mother?" Lynette: "I just wanted to tell you that the boys are now lice-free." Nurse Abigail: "Good to hear." Lynette: "I just can't figure out how it happened. They get a bath every night. Trust me, it's the ugliest 15 minutes of the day." Nurse Abigail: "I believe you." Lynette: "I keep thinking that maybe it was the petting zoo that I took them to last week. That llama was really iffy." Nurse Abigail: "Mrs. Scavo, it doesn't work that way. Lice only spreads from human to human. Even the cleanest kid in the world can get it if he gets too close to the wrong kid." Lynette: "Really?" Nurse Abigail: "Yes. So don't be so hard on yourself, huh?" Lynette: "I guess. Still, I can't help but feel a little guilty. After all, my kids started an entire lice ...