美劇筆記之【絕望主婦】絕望主婦 | 精講第71期: 手撕綠茶婊
13min2019 SEP 27
S01E17 Scene 1 Dennis: "So, it's tomorrow. I told you I'd check back in on that date." Susan: "Bill, um, I have my reasons." Bill: "Am I hideous?" Susan: "Oh, God, no. No! You are just so incredibly not hideous." Bill: "Thank you. I think." Susan: "See now. Maybe it's the word "date" that's throwing me off." Bill: "Look. I just want to have some fun. You know dinner, drinks. No strings attached." (Susan smiles. She looks at her refrigerator which has Mike's unopened letter clipped to it.) Susan: "Okay, I'll go out with you." Bill: "Great. I know this little place out of the way. You're gonna love it." Scene 2 Bill: "Edie." Edie: "Your foreman said that you were out on a date with a hottie. Evidently, someone's in need of Lasik." ...