美劇筆記之【絕望主婦】絕望主婦 | 精講第65期: 直的?彎的?
18min2019 AUG 21
S01E15Scene 1Justin: "Hey, Mrs. Solis." Gabrielle: "I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Justin: "Yeah, I'm Justin. John's roommate? I've been waiting forever for you to show up." Gabrielle: "Really, why?" Justin: "I want to do you a favor." Gabrielle: "What kind of favor?" Justin: "Well, John says that you can't exactly afford a gardener right now, and I told him I'd be happy to do it. For free." Gabrielle: "You want to mow my lawn for free?" Justin: "Mow your lawn, water your flowers, trim your bushes. I could do everything John did for you."Gabrielle: "That's very generous of you, but I don't think so." Justin: "Why?" Gabrielle: "Because my husband is home quite a lot these days. If any bush needs trimming, he takes care of it." Justin: "Well, this is a very beautiful yard. I'm sure it could use a little extra at...