美劇筆記之【絕望主婦】絕望主婦 | 精講第64期: 失戀療愈法
21min2019 AUG 19
S01E16 Scene 1 Edie: "So, uh, where was Susan today?" Lynette: "She's going through something, and I'm sure she'd prefer it to be private." Edie: "She's upset with Mike, isn't she? Well, come on. I'm gonna find out sooner or later." Lynette: "She's devastated about the breakup, and she hasn't left the house in days." Edie: "Well, why didn't you just tell me that?" Lynette: "Because it's personal. It's the kind of thing she would only want me to tell her friends." Edie: "I'm Susan's friend. Well, I don't hate her." Lynette: "Edie, if you want me to share stuff with you, you're gonna have to start being more supportive of Susan." Edie: "Okay. How?" Lynette: "What do friends do? They call, they're sympathetic, they ask about the pain the other person is going through, and then they listen." Edie: "What if you want...