27min2020 NOV 23


3. What’sHappening in Their Head 3.他們腦子里在想什麼 Since emotionsare so fast and sloppy, we have to sit down and take the time to make sure weunderstand them and understanding yours is one thing. Understanding theemotions of the person with whom you are dealing is quite another. I'm going totry to in this pod course help you get that done. 因為情緒是如此快速和草率,我們必須坐下來花時間確保我們理解它們,而理解你的情緒是一回事。了解和你打交道的人的情緒是另一回事。我將在這個播客課程中試著幫你完成。  Hello, how areyou? This is judge Len Toler, and I'd like to welcome you to the next episodeof that conversation. That conversation is designed to help you talk to theperson that you're in love with. Now in our last episode, we talked aboutemotional intelligence. How you should take a look at who you are, where you'refrom and what you've been through in order to help you determine what you wantto say and how you want to say it today. 你好,你好嗎?我是倫托勒...
