32min2020 NOV 23


1. ThatConversation


From years 15 to18, I would have sold my husband to any willing woman for a dollar. And theymay have gotten some chain. We were in a very unhappy untenable, unkind place,and I couldn't figure out what the problem was. Until one day I went to courtand saw a string of cases that highlighted exactly what we were doing wrong athome.



That's whatallowed me to come back with an understanding of the need for effectivecommunication I'm judged and told her. And this bond course is about thatconversation. And when I say that conversation, I mean, all of theconversations that you have with your spouse, your boyfriend, your girlfriend,your living, love your significant other.



This is a podcourse about how to have any conversation with the person that you're in lovewith. Why is this important? Well, let me tell you just about everybody isinterested in having a relationship. A partner, someone to love coupling up isa deep and abiding biological drive. That's very compelling and most of everyhuman being wants.



And on top ofthat, it's fun, especially in the beginning, that new feeling of love whenyou're reeling is singing and carrying on. And once we feel that way, we do ourbest to keep that explicit feeling aloft, as long as we possibly can. And partof keeping that feeling part of keeping that love part of keeping thatconnection is being able to communicate.



Communicate. Iknow it is the biggest cliche in the world, but I'm gonna say it anyway becauseit's one of the biggest food. Good communication is an essential component of asuccessful romantic relationship. Now, just to get started, let me tell you astory. I was the judge on divorce court for 13 years.



Those peoplereal, they were not actors. We flew them in from all over the world. Often Ihad an opportunity to talk to them about what they're talking about. I'd speakto one litigant, the husband, the wife, the girlfriend, the boyfriend, and I'dhave them explain something to me. Then I would turn to their spouse, theirlove of their boyfriend, their girlfriend, and asked what did that other personjust say in 13 years, I can count on one hand how many people got it?



Right. Theyrarely heard exactly what was said. They heard what they expected to hear, orthey heard what their fuse told them. They might have said. Or they heard whatexperience leads them to believe may have been said, even though that wasn'tsaid again, but rarely did they hear exactly what was on the other person'smind often they never even got close.



Usually they getthe topic about right. But that's pretty much it. So. This experience that I'vehad over the 13 years has confirmed for me the importance and the complexity ofhaving good communication, the importance and complexity about knowing how tohave. That conversation with the person you're in love with no matter what thatconversation might be.



You're listeningto that conversation. A Himalaya learning audio course, be sure to check outall of the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on mla.com.Now, before I get to talking about the particulars of communication in thecontext of a relationship, I want to address the elephant in the room.



I know you mightbe asking yourself what in the world is a judge doing, talking aboutcommunication. No less communication in a romantic relationship. Let me giveyou a little background. Might help you out in 1994, I became a judge in amunicipal court. The last part is important. Eunice court is where regularpeople end up when they get caught doing irregular things.



I saw familyfights, domestic violence, personal disputes from neighbors, fighting neighborsto break ups that went bad to spouses who can't get along, who get into fights.I found out when I was there, that the inability to communicate. Was that thebottom of most of their concerns. Additionally, I am a 60 year old woman whohas been married for 33 years, whatever mistakes you're struggling with, I'veprobably made and possibly more than once last, but certainly by no means,least I was the divorce court judge for 13 years.



And as I said,those people were real. We flew him in. We saw thousands of couples in thethroes of some kind of romantic dysfunction as they laid out their stories. Forme, I saw themes. I intercepted patterns. I learned what works well and whatdoesn't work at all. And let me tell you this. What I saw on the show actuallysaved my marriage in its 18th year.



Personal note, it's a bitof an aside, but I think it's important from years 15 to

18, I would have sold myhusband to any willing woman for a dollar, and they may have gotten somechange. We were in a very unhappy untenable, unkind

place, and Icouldn't figure out what the problem was until one day I went to court and sawa string of cases.



That highlightedexactly what we were doing wrong at home. That's what allowed me to come backwith an understanding of the need for effective communication, because that indeedwas what was wrong with us. We had

forgotten how totalk. Now I'm going to go into that in some detail and let it pod course, but Ijust wanted you to see right now.



How it is. Icame to know what I know and how I believe, what I know can help you. You know,we study a lot of things, reading, writing, arithmetic, but we rarely studysome of the most complicated things that we do because we take them as common.And therefore we take them for granted. We don't study it.

We don't figure outwhat's going on.



We fall in love.We get together and we think it feels so good. And it feels so right. And thisis such a common thing. And it's something that everybody does that we ought tobe able to just do it. But that simply isn't the case. Everybody talks abouthow complicated relationships are. And I think the ability to communicate welleffectively and passionately with knowledge and with understanding is one of themost important ways that we can keep our relationships together.



What we're goingto talk about. The first thing I want to say is that communication in general,even when it's not in the context, Of a romantic relationship can be very, verycomplicated. Communication is not just about opening up your mouth and sayingwhat's on your mind. It's a meaningful exchange of information that bearsresults.



Communication isnot just about getting things off your chest. It's about being understood. It'smore than simply getting your opinion out there. It's about the ability topersuade, to calm, to resolve, or simply to convey concern. It's aboutestablishing the mood in the room. One that encourages. Everyone to get whatthey need.



It's also tooimportant that you understand that communication is more than simply aboutwords. It is the exchange of information. And we do that in a variety of way.Communication can be as straightforward as asking someone for the time. It canbe as subtle as conveying sadness through your eyes. It can be as devastatingas turning your back on someone you're talking to and walking out of the room.



It can be aswarm as the sense of care you share. When you wake at somebody across thetable, it can be a solidifying as the connection conveyed by a five minutes.Exchange of nonsensical information about the kind of day that you had and tolistening to what everybody has to say. About the most common things thatoccurred during the day.



So now that wekind of got the scope of communication, that it's not just about words, andit's not just about commentary and discussion, that it's a whole scope ofthings that we exchange. I want to talk about the particular issues that yourun into in communication as a part of a romantic relationship.



you know, itseems kind of odd that communication in a romantic relationship is as complicatedas it is. You know, you love that person, you know, that person you want to bewith that person. You think you understand that person. That's why you wit thatperson. Then why is communication in the context of that relationship?



Such a difficultthing. There are a lot of reasons. There are a lot of things that lean on itthat make it so very, very hard. I contend that talking to your partner isfraught with difficulties. We tend not to see. What brings us together, sharinga life and the most intimate things of our, our existence create minefields.



We don'tanticipate and rarely address. Let's talk about a few of them because I believeyou can't solve a problem. You can't see number one, having conversations withyour significant other is more difficult simply because we're at home. Youwouldn't think that, but it is, you know, when you're outside of the house,there are a whole lot of unwritten rules that dictate what you do, how youexpress yourself and how people talk to you.



If you go tochurch or synagogue or the mosque or court, or if you're in a meeting, thereare unwritten rules about how you conduct yourself. You are polite. Youconsider other people, you are watching your behavior because you need to, it'sexpected other people are watching you. All of those things matter when you'retrying to make yourself understood out in the world, but then you get home andy'all.



And you want tobe able to express yourself just the way you feel. You've contained yourselfall day and you're coming home and you want to talk to the person who shouldlove you, understand you want the best for you. Should know you better thananybody else. So why wouldn't the freedom to speak as you feel the way you feelit in the volume that you feel it at the speed at which you feel it, and in thewords, in which you feel it based such a difficult thing.



But let me tellyou, if you just go straight with how you feel, you don't consider the otherperson when you feel it. When you don't have any rules and regulations abouthow you come across, you come across any old kind way, and the person thatyou're in love with and the person that loves you. Is going to take everythingyou say so very seriously.



And so verymeaningfully that an incorrect word here, an incorrect phrase there, or anemotion that there don't quite understand makes it. That much harder for themto hear it and to understand it. So we've dropped all of our niceties. We'vedropped all of our consideration. We a moat as we feel. And we oftenunintentionally don't say what we mean and don't consider who we feel when wesay it.



So we don'tthink about it. We don't consider that it's a place where we need to use ourheads and make an effort to monitor how and what we say. So we can forge andsupport a union instead of pulling it apart or worse yet simply not meet eachother's needs because we're not paying attention to what the other person needsto hear.



The second thing that makes communication in the context of arelationship.

So difficult isthe sheer volume of the things we need to talk about. When you're at work, youneed to talk to your coworker about whatever project it is you're doing athome. You got to talk about everything, whether you live in together, or justtalking to one another, you have to talk about.



Hi, you livewhat you want to do. What's happening on Friday night. Where's your moneygoing? Who they're talking to. You have to talk about what you want to do thatday, what you want to do that night. You got to talk about sex, all of thosethings, all of those many levels of why you've got to talk about who you hangout with, you got to talk about his people, her people, you have to talk aboutso much your sicknesses, your, your desires, your emotions, all of those thingshave to be communicated.



Even you talkabout what happened at work. What happened at work might be all on yourpartner's mind and you can't come to one mind about what you need to speakabout that day. The sheer quantity of information makes it that much harder.Next thing, vulnerability. When you're in love, your hearts exposed, who youchoose to love and who chooses to love you back is critical to how you seeyourself.



It's sopersonal. It's so meaningful being loved can give you strength and a sense ofwellbeing. It is so deep that everything that happens in the context of thatrelationship leans on how you feel about yourself. If the guy at the cornerstore rolls his eyes at you, that's one thing. But when the man or the womanthat you're in love with, does it.



It's an entirelydifferent thing. It can eat away at your very sense of self. This isn't a side,but I can't help myself. I roll them by the way is one of my pet peeves. It'salso one of those things that. It's been called the four horsemen of arelationship apocalypse that disdain, that people feel. And the way that weexpress that for one another can be devastating in a relationship.



And we're goingto go through that in detail in another pod course, just saying it's real. Andit's a problem. Another thing that complicates comm communication in thecontext of a relationship is the general public's interest in it. Does it seemthat it would be, but it is our relationship status is a significant part ofhow we relate to the world.



Our romanticstatus is often and sometimes ugly. If you ask me all tied up and what peoplethink about us, but my Facebook status to a tax forms to medical forms, peoplewant to know who you're connected to. And in what way, It used to be thedetermining factor on how we addressed a woman as miss or mrs.



Who she was. Hertitle was determined by her relationship status. Now that's fallen away a bitwho we love and how we do it is a huge part of how we see ourselves in thisworld. One of the things that has caught my attention over the 13 years that Ihave presided over divorce court is how the world has been intruding in ourrelationships.



We post abouthow everything is going in our lives. We post about how we feel, who we love,what's going on. That adds a whole extra layer of pressures. You want torepresent one thing you don't want to look stupid. It's a mess. It's an entiremess, which I will talk about, but it dictates a lot of what we do unknowingly,because if you are chronicling your relationship online, then a lot of what youdo at home is affected by how it's going to look to the world.



My personalsuggestion is, is you cut that out because it's an additional pressure that youdon't need. But yet again, we'll talk about that later. Another thing thatcomplicates communication in the course of a relationship is the assumption offamiliarity you're in love and you know that person, but if I had a dime forevery time, somebody told me in divorce court, That if he or she loved me, theyshould know.



Or she knows howI am. I don't know how she doesn't understand, or he knows me. He knows what Iwant. I can't believe that he, and you can finish that sentence any way youwant. We assume that we understand that person deeply and thoroughly and ascomplicated as we are as people that is rarely, rarely the case.



So. When weassume a certain level of familiarity, we don't listen as hard. If I'm talkingto somebody I don't know, from a different culture or a different place atwork, really hard to try to figure out what they're saying, but you willassume, you know, what your partner is saying and feeling so you don't reallygive their words, their feeling, their tone there.



Their, their physical presence asspecifically and meaningfully as we should. So why did I bother to tell you allof this? I told you all of this because I want you to be clear about what allthe pressures are. If you don't know what complicates things, you can'tadequately address them, being aware of all of the pressures and issues helpsyou immeasurably.



Even if youdon't know what to do about them in the beginning, awareness is the first stepto commanding anything. Knowing where the difficulties are gives you clear avision and a place to start your journey to establish the relationship that youwant. So in order to help you navigate the difficulties that you have in yourromantic relationship or.



Deeper still, ifyou have a good relationship and you just want to solidify it, you want to makeit stronger. You want to build it on a foundation that has, has, uh, uh, Idon't know, uh, the capacity to withstand coming storms. You need to know howto communicate because that's how you build that foundation.



Andunderstanding the complications and communications will help you do it better.And then that foundation guilt gets built with greater ease. So there were thebasic that I want you to understand at this juncture. It is not an exhaustivelist of all the complications. There are in communication, but I wanted you tosee at the outset.



All of theindividual things that can press on your communication issues. So youunderstand what we're doing and where we're trying to go. And so you can watchwhat you're doing now and see if any of those problems have crept their wayinto what you say to the person that you love. How are we going to tackle this?



We're going totackle this by. Tackling a whole lot of aspects of every relationship. Forinstance, we're going to talk background, understanding what you both bring tothe table is very important in determining how well that meal goals, you know,everyone sees things through the prism of their past. If you don't know howyour experience has been, the light, you shine on what said you're going to endup reading in the dark.



Let me give youan example. I got married in 1989 and I know that's when the dinosaurs wereout, but anyway I did. And in 1989, 1990 and 1991, I spent each of those yearsinsulted my husband in the worst way possible almost every day. Let me tell youwhy. Didn't do it on purpose. I thought I was expressing love, but I didn'tunderstand how my past had informed my present and how my present was killinghis love.



Mack was raisedin a family where unvarnished truth-telling was. What we did all of the time.Nobody said, well, now I think you could do better. If my mother actually saidto me one day, you know, if I didn't love you, I let you go out, looking likethat. You need to get in your room and change your clothes.



This did notcome across to me as criticism. This came across to me as love. We were blunt.We were, we didn't use any niceties, but because we understood, we wanted thebest for one another. We didn't bother with that. So I thought bluntexpressions of correction and criticism was an expression of love. My husband,however, was not brought up in a similar household.



It hashousehold. He did what most people do. You know, they take the feelings intoconsideration when they make, uh, when they have a conversation about what'sgoing on. Well, you know, they, they softened it up a bit. We never did. So hethought I was just coming for him when I thought I was loving him. I did notunderstand how the script that my parents wrote for me was messing up the playI was trying to have with my husband.



We're also goingto talk about emotional intelligence. One of the reasons that relationships areso difficult to have great conversations and because that's a logical thing,but we are all immersed in, in the emotional aspects of that relationship beingin love affects your self-esteem. It involves fear, jealousy, great desire.



And all of thatleans on what you say. So there's so many emotions that you have to deal with,and if you haven't sorted them out, if you haven't figured out why you feel theway you feel and what that's making you do, or say you might end up doing orsaying something that does not really examine or get to the thoughts you wantto convey.



We're gonna talkabout how emotional intelligence will allow you to get your mind right before youopen your mouth. We're also going to talk about masculinity and femininitytraits. We all have in varying degrees because it's important. And I know thatgender is not as binary or not considered in such a strict binary way as itused to be.



We all havefeminine and masculine tendencies and all of that liens on how we say what wesay and how we hear what's said to us, the difference between what a man says,and a woman hears can be as wide as the grand Canyon. Yes. I know gender isoften a stereotype, but let me tell you my own experiences at home and what hashappened in divorce court.



Led me tounderstand that our brains can work differently and the way our brains work,determines how we receive and deliver information. We have to take all of thatinto account. Also in this podcast, we're going to talk about the logistics ofa good conversation, and there are logistics involved. Tone timing, topic.



All of thosethings enter into the successful conveyance of information. And if you havegood process and procedure, you'll put them into place and they become a habit.They make every conversation just that much easier to have. We're also going totalk about the hobgoblin of habit. We human beings are creatures of habit.



And we tend tohave the same conversation in the same way without examining what we said andfiguring out how successful it was and determining how to change, how we saynot because we're changing how we feel, but we're changing the manner in whichwe express it so we can get understood. A good relationship, a good romanticrelationship can be a great thing, but a good relationship requires work.



If we just gettogether and let things happen, it won't work out it since it's one of the mostimportant things we do, we have to work at how we do it. And if we work atcommunication, which by the way is a remarkable thing and ability to convey aideas wants and needs and abstract thoughts. Is a very deep and powerful thing.



We should beable to have a handle on it to make it a tool that we can use with power andwith intelligence and with ability and with intellect. So it can support allthat love and care and happy that we want. And that. Ladies and gentlemen, if whatthis pod course is all about now, as I leave you today, I'm going to do so forsome homework.



And yes, I knowthat's an audacious thing to do and a pod course, but I'm going to do itanyway. We need to think about it. What happens if you don't do it? I don'tknow where you live. There's nothing I can do to you, but I'm going to ask youto do the homework anyway. It's easy. What I'd like you to do when you leavehere is sit back and take a look at your relationship.



A new. Listen tonew. Listen to the words you use, listen to the words your partner uses, listento the kind of arguments you have over and over again. Listen to the thingsthat you say and don't say, what kind of things can't you talk about or won'ttalk about, or have difficulty talking about. I want you to just take a stepaway from the talking and see what you're talking about.



So you kind ofhave a lay of the land when we go through the rest of what we're going to do. That'smy whole work for you. Our next Cod course is going to talk about the firstbattle and the first battle anyone has. In trying to communicate their ideaswith anyone is a battle with themselves. So you know exactly what it is youfeel and what it is you want to say.



So whetheryou're currently cradled in the bosom of a new and passionate love, you want tolast, or if you've just begun to take a run at happily ever after, and you'relooking to avoid the minefields along the way. Or whether you're in thetrenches of a long-term relationship, trying to find your way through theweeds, or if the two of you are just floundering around in an ocean of ordinarydissatisfaction and you can't find a way to better.



This will allowyou to have the most effective communication to allow you to do all of thosethings. Ladies and gentlemen, I need you to remember this every time you openyour mouth, that offers both options and opportunity. You can fire a shotacross the bow, or take a pass at calm. You can decide to confront, or you candecide to inquire.



You can fill amoment with silence or a kind word. You can wait, you can decide. You can makecommunication. One of the best tools that you have, or you can just open yourmouth, say what's on your mind and let the chips fall where they met in caseyou didn't figure it out. I don't recommend that last one.



As we go alongthis journey together, I would love to answer questions that you have aboutyour own relationship issues and communication. Go to the

Himalayas site,go into the community for this podcast and leave a question. I'd love to havean opportunity to talk about exactly what's on your mind. I'm looking forwardto this guys.



I hope you are too.

