1min2020 NOV 23


0.Introducing That Conversation


Hi, I'm judgeLynn Toler. And I want to talk to you about how to talk to the person you're inlove with if I've learned nothing else. In 13 years, as the judge on divorcecourt in 32 years of marriage. And while writing my book, making marriage work,it's the communication in the context of a romantic relationship can be a verycomplicated thing.



It's payingbills, making meals, according compromise, handling hurt, conveying needs, orsimply seeking satisfying sex. The easiest way to get those things done isthrough effective communication. That's what this pod course is all about init. I will discuss how to establish good communication habits before problemsever start.



I'll also tacklethe most common issues people have in this department. We'll talk about thebest way, way to start a hard conversation, how to avoid getting stuck, havingthe same argument over and over again. We'll cover the ways to end adisagreement. So it brings you together as opposed to pulling you apart.



We'll work onusing communication to build love, respect, and a solid foundation. We'll talkabout all the subtle emotional things that can help you get that done and last,but certainly by no means, least we'll talk about the best ways to communicateacross the great hormonal divide. You know what

I'm talking about?



The differencebetween how men and women think speak, perceive and feel relationships aren'teasy that said effective communication is one of the most useful tools you canhave to help you maintain a good one. This pile, of course, it's dedicated tothe proposition of making you a master of this very important skill.



So let's you andI sit down and talk about it. So the next time you talk to the person you love,you can get it right.

