China Daily 為你讀英語新聞英語新聞丨石破茂再次當選日本首相
2min1 d ago
Leader of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Shigeru Ishiba was reelected as the country's prime minister on Monday after securing the most votes in both houses of the Japanese Diet. 11月11日,日本自民黨總裁石破茂在國會眾議院和參議院首相指名選舉中獲得多數選票,再次當選日本首相。 The Diet, or parliament, convened an extraordinary session Monday afternoon to choose the prime minister. As the ruling coalition of the LDP and Komeito lost its long-held majority in the general election last month, the vote ran into a runoff between Ishiba and major opposition Constitutional Democratic Party leader Yoshihiko Noda. 11日下午,日本召開特别國會進行首相指名選舉。由於自民黨和公明黨組成的執政聯盟在上個月的選舉中未能獲得新一屆眾議院過半席位,投票在石破茂和最大在野黨立憲民主黨黨首野田佳彥之間展開。 In the runoff voting in the House of Representatives, 67-year-old Ishiba received 221 votes, outperforming Noda to become the country's 103rd prime minister despite falling short of the 233 majorit...