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每週一到週五早7:30更新,歡迎訂閱週末更新中國日報外籍專家的專欄作品,分享他們在報道過程中的心得。節目介紹 China Daily《中國日報》官方平臺出品1、精選最cool最潮的英語故事、新聞等,用最native的語音播報,沉浸式環境學英語2、提供全篇英語解析,聽懂不再難打卡抽獎 訂閱本專輯,每天堅持在專輯下方評論打卡的聽眾,我們會每月抽取兩位幸運兒。這次抽獎3月31日開獎,請小夥伴們敬請期待哦!獎品為中國日報專屬訂制週邊禮物哦!適合誰聽 1、...

緬甸強震已在當地造成1644人遇難 A total of 1,644 people died, 3,408 were injured, and 139 remained missing in a powerful earthquake in Myanmar, according to the Information Team of the State Administration Council on Saturday night.緬甸國家行政委員會新聞組週六晚間報道稱,緬甸強烈地震共造成 1,644 人死亡,3,408 人受傷,139 人失蹤。 The 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit the southeast Asian country on Friday, with Mandalay, Bago, Magway, the northeastern Shan state, Sagaing, and Nay Pyi Taw among the hardest-hit regions.週五,這場 7.7 級地震襲擊了這個東南亞國家,其中曼德勒、勃固、馬圭、撣邦東北部、實皆和內比都受災最為嚴重。 Myanmar's State Administration Council Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing arrived in Mandalay by helicopter on Saturday morning to inspect the severely affected area, according to Myanmar Radio and Television. Min Aung Hlaing called for international assistance on Friday.據緬甸廣播電視臺報道,緬甸國家行政委員會主席、高級將軍敏昂萊週六上午乘直升機抵達曼德勒,...

Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang said on Thursday that the Chinese economy is growing steadily with a stronger outlook despite many difficulties and multiple challenges, thanks to its increasing capacity to drive growth through innovation.國務院副總理丁薛祥週四表示,儘管面臨諸多困難和多重挑戰,中國經濟在創新動能持續增強的推動下,仍在穩步增長,前景更加光明。 He made the remarks in a keynote speech delivered at the opening of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2025, which was held in Boao, Hainan province, with the theme "Asia in the Changing World: Towards a Shared Future".丁薛祥副總理在海南博鼇舉行的博鼇亞洲論壇2025年年會開幕式上發表主旨演講時作出上述表述。本屆年會以"變局中的亞洲:攜手共創未來"為主題。 Ding said that China's firm commitment to the innovation-driven development strategy has notably boosted its innovation capacity.丁薛祥強調,中國堅定不移實施創新驅動發展戰略,科技創新能力實現顯著提升。 "We will move faster toward greater self-reliance and strength in sophist...

In this episode ofSpring Travel with Ne Zha: A Mythical Adventure, we take a deep dive into the legendary world of Ne Zha, the fiery hero of Chinese folklore, and explore how his story is inspiring a spring travel phenomenon across China. From ancient temples to vibrant modern cities, this journey blends mythology, culture, and breathtaking landscapes. More than just a travel guide, this episode reveals how the blockbuster film Ne Zha 2 is reshaping tourism, drawing visitors to destinations like Tianjin’s industrial parks, Sichuan’s scenic mountains, and Macao’s historic temples. We’ll also explore traditional Chinese opera, Taoist festivals, and spring delicacies that bring Ne Zha’s world to life. Enjoy the episode, and may this mythical adventure inspire your next journey!

A regulation aiming to standardize the use of facial recognition technology and protect personal data wasunveiled on Friday, as the increasingly wider application of the security-related tech sparks growing concerns over potential privacy violations in China. 週五,一項規範人臉識别技術的使用和保護個人數據的新規出臺,隨著這種與安全相關的技術的應用範圍不斷擴大,引起了公眾對潛在隱私侵犯行為的日益關注。 The regulation jointly issued by the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Ministry of Public Security, will come into effect on June 1. It clarifies that the use of the technology should abide by the law, and must not harm national security, public welfare and the legal interests of individuals. 該條例由中國網絡空間管理局和公安部聯合發布,將於6月1日生效。規定明確,使用人臉識别技術應當遵守法律,不得損害國家安全、社會公共利益和個人合法權益。 Facial recognition technology needs to be used when it is necessary, and should be used in a way that imposes the least intrusion on personal ri...

Asian economies, with real GDP growth projected to be 4.5 percent for 2025, will continue to play a crucial role in driving global economic stability and growth, said a report released on Tuesday at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2025. 週二在博鼇亞洲論壇2025年年會上發布的一份報告稱,亞洲經濟體2025年的實際GDP增長率預計將達到4.5%,將繼續在推動全球經濟穩定和增長方面發揮關鍵作用。 The forum comes soon after the China Development Forum 2025, which ended on Monday, and gathered top government officials and business leaders from across the globe. Experts said the forums' key message is crystal clear, that Asia—spearheaded by China—is reinforcing its commitment to openness and stability, presenting a sharp contrast to the rising economic isolation featured by the United States'arbitrary sanctions and tariffs. 此次論壇緊隨週一閉幕的中國發展高層論壇2025年年會之后召開,彙集了來自世界各地的政府高官和商界領袖。專家表示,這兩大論壇的關鍵信息非常明確,即以中國為首的亞洲正堅定推動開放...

United States intelligence agencies have been secretly collecting data from cellphone users around the world by using hacking tools to access SIM cards and operating systems, and they also target Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and mobile networks to track users without their knowledge, according to a newly released cybersecurity report. 最新發布的網絡安全報告顯示,美國情報機構一直利用黑客工具入侵SIM卡和操作系統,秘密收集全球手機用戶數據,並在用戶不知情的情況下,利用Wi-Fi、藍牙、GPS和移動網絡對用戶進行跟蹤。 Such large-scale and long-term activities have seriously endangered the cybersecurity and national security of countries around the world, according to the report, titled "Mobile Cyberattacks Conducted by US Intelligence Agencies", which was published on Tuesday by the China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance. 中國網絡安全產業聯盟週二發布的《美情報機構針對全球移動智能終端實施的監聽竊密活動》報告指出,這種大規模、長期的活動嚴重危害全球網絡安全和各國國家安全。 At the same time, US intelligence...

China's economic transition is gaining momentum as initiatives to boost consumption and drive innovation take center stage, which will inject greater certainty into the global economic landscape and provide broader space in which multinational companies can thrive, officials and executives said on Sunday. 官員和高管於週日表示,隨著促進消費和推動創新的舉措成為焦點,中國經濟轉型勢頭強勁,這將為全球經濟格局注入更大的確定性,並為跨國公司的發展提供更廣闊的空間。 China will combine robust policy support and the unleashing of market forces as it strives to achieve its economic growth target of around 5 percent this year, and policymakers are well prepared to introduce new incremental policies if necessary, Premier Li Qiang said in Beijing at the opening ceremony of the two-day China Development Forum 2025. 李強總理在北京出席為期兩天的中國發展高層論壇2025年開幕式時表示,中國將結合強有力的政策支持和市場力量的釋放,努力實現今年5%左右的經濟增長目標,政策制定者已做好在必要時推出新的增量政策的準...

Crew members of the Shenzhou XIX mission have conducted their third spacewalk outside the Tiangong space station, completing several assignments, according to the China Manned Space Agency. 據中國載人航天工程辦公室稱,神舟十九號飛船機組人員在天宮空間站外進行了第三次太空行走,完成了多項任務。 In a news release, the agency said that mission commander Senior Colonel Cai Xuzhe and crew member Lieutenant Colonel Song Lingdong returned to the Wentian science module at 8:50 pm on Friday after floating for nearly seven hours outside the colossal orbital station. 該機構在一份新聞稿中表示,任務指揮員蔡旭哲大校和機組人員宋淩東中校在巨型軌道站外漂浮近七個小時后,於週五晚上8點50分返回問天科學艙。 The third crew member, Lieutenant Colonel Wang Haoze, stayed inside Tiangong to provide support, it said. 第三名航天員王浩澤中校留在天宮內,提供支持。 With support from ground controllers and the use of a robotic arm, the team completed all their assigned tasks, including installing a space debris shiel...

Kirsty Coventry was elected as the 10th president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Thursday, making history as the first woman and the first African to lead the global Olympic movement. 柯絲蒂・考文垂於上週四當選為國際奧林匹克委員會(國際奧委會)第 10 任主席,成為領導全球奧林匹克運動的首位女性和首位非洲人,創造了歷史。 The election was conducted through a secret ballot by over 100 IOC members during the 144th IOC Session in Greece. The 41-year-old, who won the vote in the first round, will officially take office after June 23, succeeding Thomas Bach, who has served as president since 2013. 此次選舉在希臘舉行的國際奧委會第 144 屆全會期間,由 100 多名國際奧委會委員通過無記名投票進行。這位 41 歲的女性在第一輪投票中勝出,她將在 6 月 23 日后正式就職,接替自 2013 年起擔任主席的托馬斯・巴赫。 "An extraordinary moment. As a 9-year-old girl, I never thought that I would be standing up here one day, getting to give back to this incredible movement of ours," Coventry said ...

President Xi Jinping has urged Yunnan province to explore new prospects for high-quality development on the path toward Chinese modernization. Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks during an inspection tour in the southwestern province on Wednesday and Thursday. He also underlined the need for the province to leverage its unique geographical advantages to actively promote high-standard opening-up, in order to build itself into a hub linking the countries of South Asia and Southeast Asia. The two-day inspection tour took Xi to the cities of Lijiang and Kunming, with his attention focused on the local floral economy, cultural heritage protection and the development of ethnic minority areas. The visit follows his inspection tour in neighboring Guizhou province on Monday and Tuesday. Xi visited the Lijiang Modern Flower Industry Park and the Old Town o...

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