瘋狂飲食小課堂|教你如何好好吃飯(附英文原稿)2. Keto, a diet full of FAT 生酮,富含脂肪的食物
27min2020 NOV 23
2. Keto,a diet full of FAT 2.這是一種富含脂肪的飲食 If you type thewords, cute agentic into a search engine, you get a list of 42,900,000 results.There's no doubt. This is one of the most popular diets in the world. The whatis it? Is it here to say, is it for you? And how would you begin a keto programof your own? I'm enjoy Thurman. And this is your keytar genic or Akido crashcourse. 如果你在搜索引擎中輸入“可愛的代理”這個詞,你會得到一個4290萬個結果的列表。毫無疑問。這是世界上最流行的飲食之一。這是什麼?是不是說,是給你的?你如何開始自己的keto項目?我喜歡瑟曼。這是你的keytar Gene或Akido速成課程。 How does itwork? Uh, Akido now our bodies need energy to function properly. We usually getenergy from carbohydrates found in rice chips, bread, pasta, fruit, and wholegrains sweets, et cetera. Now our body will then convert carbs to glucose andthen glucose becomes our primary source of energy, kind of like gasoline for acar. 它是如何工作的?呃,現在我們的身體...