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5 小時 48 分鐘
17 聲音



1. 在本課程中,喬伊-瑟曼將帶你了解20種流行的飲食,並深入了解為什麼它們只對特定人群有效。在本課程結束時,你能正確了解自己的身體,選擇正確的飲食方法,獲得最大的效果。

2. 你將學到:如何挑選適合自己身體的飲食;如何通過正確的飲食來最大化你的生產力。

3. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解課程。

  • 喬伊·瑟曼(Joey Thurman)
    喬伊·瑟曼(Joey Thurman)
    頂級明星教練 & 電視主持人

9. Flexitarian You're listening to diet crash course, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out all the other awesome courses on the Himalaya app or himalaya.com. Stir shit out. What does it mean to have a flex? It Tarion diet. The flexitarian diet is ranked number two over we're all in the world. By us news and world report. [00:00:33] This diet is a mash-up of two words. As you can probably figure out flexible and vegetarian. The term gained popularity in 2009, with the book, the flexitarian diet, the most vegetarian way to lose weight. Be healthier, prevent disease, and add years to your life. That sounds pretty good by registered dietician, Dawn Jackson, Blattner. [00:01:00] Now Dawn says you don't have to eliminate meat completely to get the benefits associated with vegetarianism. You can be a vegetarian most of the time, but every now and then if you want that big juicy steak or burger, when you really feel like you have to have it, go ahead and eat it now ...

4. PlantBased 4.植物性 Plant-based isso cool, man. Wait a minute. When I was a kid, I didn't even know what plantsreally were. Except for the ones that the bushes are outside of my house in st.Louis, something green on my plate. Well, my mom would have to cover that insome sort of interesting orange cheese, like thing to try to get me to eat it. 植物性很酷,夥計。等一下。當我還是個孩子的時候,我甚至不知道什麼是植物。除了那些在聖路易斯我家外面的灌木叢,我盤子里有綠色的東西。好吧,我媽媽得用一種有趣的橙色奶酪來掩蓋它,比如讓我吃的東西。  And quitefrankly, I wouldn't eat it even then, but now plant base is being cool. Right?It's at the forefront. Professional athletes are jumping on the plantbasedbandwagon, blockbuster documentaries, big business being plantbased isn't beinga hippie anymore. It's cool. Even fast food chains are really getting on thecourse to being plant-based a plant-based burger. 坦白地說,我那時也不吃,但現在植物基地很酷。對嗎?它在最前線...

2. Keto,a diet full of FAT 2.這是一種富含脂肪的飲食 If you type thewords, cute agentic into a search engine, you get a list of 42,900,000 results.There's no doubt. This is one of the most popular diets in the world. The whatis it? Is it here to say, is it for you? And how would you begin a keto programof your own? I'm enjoy Thurman. And this is your keytar genic or Akido crashcourse. 如果你在搜索引擎中輸入“可愛的代理”這個詞,你會得到一個4290萬個結果的列表。毫無疑問。這是世界上最流行的飲食之一。這是什麼?是不是說,是給你的?你如何開始自己的keto項目?我喜歡瑟曼。這是你的keytar Gene或Akido速成課程。  How does itwork? Uh, Akido now our bodies need energy to function properly. We usually getenergy from carbohydrates found in rice chips, bread, pasta, fruit, and wholegrains sweets, et cetera. Now our body will then convert carbs to glucose andthen glucose becomes our primary source of energy, kind of like gasoline for acar. 它是如何工作的?呃,現在我們的身體...

8. Calorie ControlIIFYMI need a diet crash course, a Himalayalearning audio course. Be sure to check out all the other awesome courses onthe Himalaya app or himalaya.com. It's all about the macros man. No, it doesn'tmatter what you eat. As long as you are below your maintenance calories. Whoa.Things can get really confusing when you start looking at macros calories,micronutrients, and how you put it all together.[00:00:31] But what should you do? Countcalories, count macros, maybe both. I'm joy Thurman. And this is your dietcrash course, too. If it fits your macros and calorie control. So he may bewondering why I'm putting two diets. That aren't exactly the same in one podcourse. Well loyal listener. These two diets can be the same and can be extremelydifferent.[00:00:54] It really matters how you goabout them. So if it fits your macros is a type of flexible dieting designed byfitness enthusiast. Anthony Calavo. He became frustrated with traditional dietrecommendations....

6. MediterraneanYou're listening to diet crash course, aHimalayan learning audio course. You sure to check out all the other awesomecourses on the Himalaya app or himalaya.com rub a little olive oil on it. Okay.Maybe that's not what all the people who follow a Mediterranean diet do itjust. I'm kind of playing homage and poking fun at the Greeks.[00:00:32] If you guys don't know, my wifeis a hundred percent Greek. Her parents are off the boat or plane from Greecewhen they were just teenagers. So Mediterranean diet as is actually near anddear to my heart for the third consecutive year. The Mediterranean dire meansthe number one best diet overall.[00:00:52] Ranked by us news and worldreports. Now it's easy to follow. It has less meat, sugar, saturated fat whilealso incorporating nuts and produce whole grains and following just an easydaily regimen. Now this diet also took top honors for best diets, for healthyeating easiest diets to follow best diets for a diabetes.[00:01:1...



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