What's So Great About the Great Pyramid?
10min2021 JUL 21


This is a follow up podcast to our previous one on the Fine Structure Constant (called "Alpha" and designated by the greek letter: α) to show a second way the Fine Structure constant, one of the most wonderful, enigmatic, mysterious constants in the universe, the joy and marvel of atomic physicists, is in the Great Pyramid. I also acknowledge an error I made in the previous episode about the #FineStructureConstant, thanks to the comments of a YouTuber. Alpha, which some physicists call the "God number", manifests itself through the relationship of the Coffer and the Kings Chamber which contains it. I invite listeners to go to Egypt with me in October, and said in the video that information to do so would be here, so let me just quickly say that all the information and pricing, etc. is on our website: https://greatpyramid.org This revelation of the Fine Structure Constant in the Great Pyramid is so fascinating! It of course raises the question of authorship. I got into a battle of sorts over the question of authorship on YouTube recently. The incident dealt with the widely viewed channel @UnchartedX I ended up having a very good interchange with Ben, who runs the channel. While Ben and I are divided over the question of the authorship of many of the granite features at Giza, we agreed to disagree agreeably! Ben is of the opinion of so many alternatives that the granite work in the Great Pyramid could not be the work of the dynastic Egyptians, but must be the result of a now-deceased previous high tech civilization. I, on the other hand, believe that it was 4th Dynasty Khufu who built the Great Pyramid, and I think there is a lot of profound evidence for that. So who put the Fine Structure Constant, Alpha, in the Great Pyramid? That is the interesting question, to which I have an answer, but I do not go into that in this podcast. This podcast is also a YouTube video. AIP Social Sites: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sagesilent @sagesilent Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DirectorAIP @DirectorAIP The web: https://www.greatpyramid.org Blog: https://www.greatpyramid.org/sage Podcast: https://anchor.fm/greatpyramid Tumblr: https://greatpyramidaip.tumblr.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSilentSage Academia: https://independent.academia.edu/LarryPahl YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGreatPyramidAIP
