What's So Great About the Great Pyramid?
1h 19min2021 JUL 21


Eclectic YouTuber Dr. Charles Kos interviews American Institute for Pyramid Research Director Larry Pahl about a wide range of forbidden and esoteric topics related to ancient Egypt. Have a listen to the diverse topics, (some forbidden!) The podcast goes over an hour, longer than we usually post, but there's a lot here... listen in chapters if you can't watch the whole thing! Interesting tidbit from the episode: Dr. Kos set the interview for 10:47am not knowing that one of Pahl's discoveries deals with the Hemiunu Template of 104.7 meters, 200 royal cubits. Both have the same order of digits: 10:47 and 104.7! The value Pi (π) divided by the speed of light (299K/meters/sec) is 104.7 at the scale of 1 to 10 billion. This interview is also on YouTube.
