What's So Great About the Great Pyramid?

What's So Great About the Great Pyramid?

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The Great Pyramid is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing. It was the tallest building on the Earth for almost 4000 years. It is still fascinating people today as one of the most visited monuments in the world. "What's So Great About the Great Pyramid?" is a podcast by the American Institute of Pyramid Research which focuses on explaining the history, the mystery and the secrets of this grand structure.

Killing Sacred Cows in Egypt! Jay Henehen of the podcast "How to Kill a Sacred Cow" interviews AIP Director Larry Pahl about the Orion Correlation Theory, and his updated version ENOCH: Egyptian New Connection Hypothesis. This podcast interview goes all over the place in Egypt. Join the conversation! Come our tour to Egypt with Larry Pahl and AIP Jay Henehen's podcast: https://howtokillasacredcow.libsyn.com/

The Incredible Holy Shaft Discovered at Giza On YouTube: https://youtu.be/xBrwgkSarFQ We have made a major discovery on the Giza Plateau, which is confounding some of the academics! We have done a series of programs on the #HolyShaft and it takes on larger proportions as we sort out the implications. There is a link to the paper on Academia and the discussion there... DID THE EGYPTIANS HAVE THE IMPERIAL FOOT AS A MEASURE???? The Giza Plateau says yes! Everybody else says no! HOW COULD IT BE THAT THE HOLY SHAFT IS CONNECTED BY EVEN 100 FOOT INCREMENTS TO SO MANY MONUMENTS???? It can't be, the experts are saying. BUT CHECK OUT OUR RESEARCH YOURSELF!!! Please subscribe to our channel, we do quality research, we seek to unlock mysteries and probe the secrets from Egypt. Join us in Egypt October 20-30, 2021! https://www.greatpyramid.org

The Real Indiana Jones and Great Pyramid Grail YouTube: https://youtu.be/QArHTYeK8lg Larry Pahl, Director of the American Institute for Pyramid Research, is interviewed by Brandon Thomas of the Expanding Reality Podcast about the #mysteries of the #GreatPyramid and #Giza. They get into the Trial Passages on Giza, the unitary construction of the Giza Plateau, who built the pyramids, ancient metrology and the mainstream/ancient high tech debate. Contact and podcast info for Expanding Reality at the end of this description... Please join AIP on our October 20-30 Egypt Ancient Mystery Tour! https://www.greatpyramid.org/ ====================== Here is some Expanding Reality collateral: The Expanding Reality YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrATGSZs2m-1-30_9VHPHw Expanding Reality website: https://www.expandingrealitypodcast.com/ Expanding Reality Podcasts: Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/expanding-reality/id1469846551 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ElVuKPHSjPf8fYPMdjS9z?si=FHfi-BhgT8yYS4eBxN8hsg&dl_branch=1

This is a follow up podcast to our previous one on the Fine Structure Constant (called "Alpha" and designated by the greek letter: α) to show a second way the Fine Structure constant, one of the most wonderful, enigmatic, mysterious constants in the universe, the joy and marvel of atomic physicists, is in the Great Pyramid. I also acknowledge an error I made in the previous episode about the #FineStructureConstant, thanks to the comments of a YouTuber. Alpha, which some physicists call the "God number", manifests itself through the relationship of the Coffer and the Kings Chamber which contains it. I invite listeners to go to Egypt with me in October, and said in the video that information to do so would be here, so let me just quickly say that all the information and pricing, etc. is on our website: https://greatpyramid.org This revelation of the Fine Structure Constant in the Great Pyramid is so fascinating! It of course raises the question of authorship. I got into a battle of sorts over the question of authorship on YouTube recently. The incident dealt with the widely viewed channel @UnchartedX I ended up having a very good interchange with Ben, who runs the channel. While Ben and I are divided over the question of the authorship of many of the granite features at Giza, we agreed to disagree agreeably! Ben is of the opinion of so many alternatives that the granite work in the Great Pyramid could not be the work of the dynastic Egyptians, but must be the result of a now-deceased previous high tech civilization. I, on the other hand, believe that it was 4th Dynasty Khufu who built the Great Pyramid, and I think there is a lot of profound evidence for that. So who put the Fine Structure Constant, Alpha, in the Great Pyramid? That is the interesting question, to which I have an answer, but I do not go into that in this podcast. This podcast is also a YouTube video. AIP Social Sites: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sagesilent @sagesilent Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DirectorAIP @DirectorAIP The web: https://www.greatpyramid.org Blog: https://www.greatpyramid.org/sage Podcast: https://anchor.fm/greatpyramid Tumblr: https://greatpyramidaip.tumblr.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSilentSage Academia: https://independent.academia.edu/LarryPahl YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGreatPyramidAIP

Eclectic YouTuber Dr. Charles Kos interviews American Institute for Pyramid Research Director Larry Pahl about a wide range of forbidden and esoteric topics related to ancient Egypt. Have a listen to the diverse topics, (some forbidden!) The podcast goes over an hour, longer than we usually post, but there's a lot here... listen in chapters if you can't watch the whole thing! Interesting tidbit from the episode: Dr. Kos set the interview for 10:47am not knowing that one of Pahl's discoveries deals with the Hemiunu Template of 104.7 meters, 200 royal cubits. Both have the same order of digits: 10:47 and 104.7! The value Pi (π) divided by the speed of light (299K/meters/sec) is 104.7 at the scale of 1 to 10 billion. This interview is also on YouTube.

Richard Feynman said of #Alpha, the Fine Structure Constant, that nobody really understands it, but life wouldn't exist without it. He said, "It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: A magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the 'hand of God' wrote that number, and we don't know how He pushed His pencil." Alan Green says the Alpha constant is embedded in the Great Pyramid. Larry Pahl, Director of the American Institute of Pyramid Research, examines this claim and attempts to unpack what's there. Pahl finds a connection to all this with the ancient Egyptian fascination with preparation for the next life. This is also a YouTube video... Follow our work on Instagram @sagesilent Our podcasts are at www.anchor.fm/GreatPyramid Our YouTube Channel

The Holy Shaft keeps yielding revelations! This is part 4 of our look at the incredible #secrets attached to this apparently insignificant solitary shaft at #Giza. DaVinci encodes in his iconic Vitruvian Man drawing directions to follow on #Egypt soil, which yield even greater unfoldings. This is also a YouTube video. Come with us to Egypt in October, for the Ancient Mysteries tour! Details on the new website… www.greatpyramid.org

This is the 3rd video in our series on our NEW DISCOVERY of the Giza Holy Shaft. This inconspicuous circle-square shaft is connected by even 100 feet distances to almost every major monument and marking at #Giza! . In this video, part 3, we look at the connection to the square root value lengths of lines connecting points in the Vesica Piscis, Flower of Life and Seed of Life. This is an uncanny, hard to believe connection... the lines radiating from the Holy Shaft to Giza monuments overlayed with the lines of the square roots traditionally associated with the Vesica Piscis, as laid out by polymath Alan Green. Hard to believe, yet there it is, in plain sight! An open invitation for YOU to interpret... This is such a profound connection... please share any thoughts you have!!! This is also a YouTube video.

Father's Day and Summer Solstice special! You can join the crowds at Stonehenge this #SummerSolstice... or you can watch this video! More unveiling of one of AIP's new #discoveries: the Holy Shaft at Giza. The Holy Shaft is center to the Holy Circle connecting the Great Pyramid, Khufu, the Great Sphinx and Khentkaus... . But it also points to almost every major element of the Giza landscape. Incredible. PLEASE LISTEN, comment, subscribe! This is also a YouTube video

Discovery at Giza: the Holy Shaft On YouTube: https://youtu.be/ahhzeB7m1lM With this episode I am launching into my recent discoveries (April 2021) at Giza. The holy shaft on the Plateau is a humble, unobtrusive shaft surrounded by a fence near the Khafre causeway. It is the center of a holy Circle, and of a much larger ray of lines to the major elements of #Giza. . It is really incredible. A #mystery of the highest order. Proof that there is a unified plan in this part of #Egypt. Not the work of proud, competing pharaohs. . Watch and let me know what you think! . And don’t you love the sweet music of Alyanya?. Her channel

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