What's So Great About the Great Pyramid?Menkaure Pyramid inside the Da Vinci Vitruvian Man
13min2020 OCT 19
Menkaure Pyramid inside the Da Vinci Vitruvian Man YouTube: https://youtu.be/hpNtVKA81Go Leonardo Da Vinci encrypted the Pyramids of Khufu and Menkaure in his famous drawing of the Vitruvian Man. Larry Pahl, AIP Director, continues the focus on the secrets and mysteries of the Great Pyramid, the Silent Sage, by looking at the hidden Pyramids Da Vinci hid in this famous artwork. The square and circle which Da Vinci drew, long assumed to be a solution to the problem of "squaring the circle", do not serve that function. What is the message of this enigmatic sketch? Please join AIP on the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt Tour, Nov. 1-9, 2020: https://www.greatpyramid.us/tours.html AIP Social Sites: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sagesilent @sagesilent Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DirectorAIP @DirectorAIP The web: https://www.greatpyramid.org Blog: https://www.greatpyramid.org/sage Podcast: https://anchor.fm/greatpyramid Tumblr: https://greatpyramidaip.tumblr.com Facebook: https://ww...