The Whole Health Cure
31min2022 APR 15


Brian Asbill, MD serves as the Medical Director of the cardiac rehabilitation program for Mission Health and has co-founded Ruckus Health whose vision is “To support people holistically in uncovering their innate ability to live in emotional, mental, physical and spiritual balance.” Dr. Asbill is a return guest (first appearance Episode 45, where we talked about reversal of cardiovascular disease). Today we talk about heart health risk and plant-based diet. First, what are the assessment methods of heart health and heart disease risks? Dr. Asbill talks about the ASCVD and MESA scores, their reliability and value. We discuss the role of statins, and how they compare to dietary interventions such as switching to plant-based diet. Dr. Asbill explains calcium scores, cholesterol and other measure of heart health. We also discuss the role of exercise and the impact of stress. Tune in to learn more! This podcast is brought to you by Emory Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness. To learn more about our work, please visit
