The Whole Health Cure"Emory Office of Well-Being" with Tim Cunningham, RN, DrPH
36min2022 APR 1
Tim Cunningham, RN, DrPH, FAAN is Co-Chief Well-Being Officer at Emory Healthcare and the Woodruff Health Sciences Center at Emory University. He holds a joint appointment as adjunct associate professor at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory Healthcare and serves as Vice President of Practice and Innovation for Emory Healthcare. He collaborates with interprofessional teams to support structural and systemic well-being change for healthcare staff and professionals, university staff and faculty, researchers, learners, and community members. In this conversation we speak with Tim about his recent appointment with the Office of Well-Being (called EmWELL) in Emory University’s Woodruff Health Sciences Center, which includes Emory Healthcare. The office will serve as a central resource for designing and implementing well-being programs that address the current environmental stressors among clinicians, health professionals, faculty and staff in clinical, research and academic health sciences areas. As Tim says, the office will serve all - "from valets to vascular surgeons, from anesthesiologists to zoologists". The leaders in healthcare have been working on creating this office for years, especially after recognizing the need in The Blue Ridge Academic Health Group report of 2018, which concluded: “It is clear that the ‘healing’ of caregivers cannot be accomplished solely through ‘self-help.’ Just as the best care for patients is achieved through teamwork and support, addressing the challenges of burnout and advancing the wellness of health care providers will also require leadership and institutional commitment to achieve optimal results.” We talk about burnout, and the need to move past talking about it, and start working through it. We talk about leaders being called to take meaningful, calculated and evidence-based risks. We talk about vulnerability. Tim shares other strategies for defining the organizational and interpersonal well-being, and designing the pathway for getting there. Tune in to the full conversation to learn about this exciting, timely and inspiring work! This podcast is brought to you by Emory Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness. To learn more about our work, please visit