16min2021 JAN 20


6. Develop and Restore your Energy listening to seven keys to reclaiming your time, energy and productivity, a Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome back everyone. It's episode six and I'm very excited to chat about energy. We're going to talk about developing and restoring your energy. [00:00:41] So the first step for before we kind of even jump into develop, you really need to ask yourself the question, what motivates me. What is your quote, unquote, what do you live for again? What is your motivation? You don't really have anything that's motivating you. Then it's going to be very hard to develop your energy, and you're not going to feel the need to restore or develop your energy. [00:01:20] So what's your motivation, your why is a purpose cause or belief that drives everything you do? Um, Simon Sinek has a book called start with why I definitely recommend checking that book ou...
