1. Track Your Time 跟蹤你的時間
1. TrackYour Time
I am obsessedwith helping people save time, reclaim their energy and get stuff done. Uh, youcould. Call my job title a time and energy maker. Um, but I'm also officiallyknown as an executive assistant. So what I do is day in and day out is I helpmy executive reclaim his time, energy and productivity.
And so. I'mgoing to help you do the same, but before I jump in, I want to just do a quickintroduction, um, to let you know a little bit more about me. I'm from Kansascity, Missouri, and I've been an executive assistant for about 13 and a half,14 years. Um, depending on when you're listening to this. Pod course, and I ammarried to my wife, Megan, we have two boys, Western and Silas, and we have ablast playing video games, uh, riding bikes, uh, jumping on the trampoline andmy wife and I enjoy fancy cocktails and good beer.
So I have. LikeI mentioned, been an executive assistant for a long time, and I'm verypassionate about helping people, um, save time, uh, get more energy and getmore done. And so. What we're going to do is each of these episodes, I'm goingto talk about a different way, a different key to reclaiming your time andenergy and producing more.
So for episodeone, we're going to talk about track your time. First key is tracking yourtime. So how are you supposed to make the most of your time? If you don't havea grasp on what you actually do with your time, day in and day out. So what I'mgoing to do is I'm going to help you practically track your time and share astory about my executive and how I've tracked his time and how that's beenhelpful.
And then giveyou a simple take home action item by the end of the lesson. So first, what Iwant you to do is take a historical audit. So a historical audit is the lastfour to six weeks. Uh, you look back and you think you look at all thedifferent activities you did and you start tracking it. So historical auditsare
good because you may getasked, or I may ask you, okay.
What did youspend your time on last week? And you may say, well, I was in meetings. Well,if you actually look back at your week and go, you know, calendar event bycalendar event, day by day, hour by hour, you may actually find out that youweren't in as many meetings as you thought. So the idea of a historical auditis to really look at the data objectively.
And that wayyou're not just subjectively saying, Oh, I think I was in meetings most of theweek. Um, and then on an ongoing tracker is where once you've done thathistorical audit, you can keep track of what you are doing on an ongoing basis.That way it's a little more fresh in your mind. And you can get a little bitmore granular with your data, uh, and accurate versus just trying to
remember what you did twoweeks ago.
So again,practically speaking this tracking your time includes a historical audit, anongoing track. And then the key to remember, um, as you track things, is thatdata is King. So again, if you say, Oh, I spent most of my time in meetings,but then you look at the real data and you realize that 30% of your time was inmeetings and 50% of your time was actually checking email.
So that's a veryinteresting data point to consider as you. Proceed throughout this course. Um,and we try to help you gain more time, uh, and energy and productivity. So tokind of share a story of how this has worked for my current executive, uh, mycurrent executive is CEO of capacity. Uh, we are an artificial intelligencehelp desk support automation platform.
And my CEO was the.Founders of a company that acquired answers.com
and then theysold it off, uh, in 2014 for almost a billion dollars. So this guy issuccessful, um, has had a lot of, um, has had some solid assistance over theyears. And he has also had. Issues with managing his time and burning out andtrying to be as efficient as possible with every minute of every day.
So what I didwith him was I set up a tracker with our Google calendar. We use Google suite,a Google spreadsheet, and then Zapier Z a P I E r.com. Workflow that would log.Every event when it concluded every event would be logged into a Googlespreadsheet. So I was able to set this up because before I would manually gothrough and.
我在谷歌上設置了一個追蹤器。我們使用googlesuite,一個Google電子表格,然后是Zapier Z a P I E r.com。將記錄的工作流。當它結束每一個事件時,它會把它記錄到谷歌電子表格中。所以我可以設置這個,因為在我之前,我會手動執行和。
Count and say, this is how many salesmeetings you had. This is how many internal meetings you had. And so on. So Ifound out this, um, this workflow with Zapier, Google calendar and Googlespreadsheet saved me hours and
hours and daysof work, trying to track this stuff. And it's automatic. So then once the datagot inputted into the Google spreadsheet, I was able to manipulate that data,set up some conditional formatting and essentially have a nice chart and graphand numbers that, that literally say these are the number of meetings you hadwith sales, um, potential clients.
These are thenumber of investor meetings you had this quarter this month. And that allowedme to look at it and say, okay, how. Do you think your time was spent this lastquarter? And then I could show him the data and say, actually, this is how youspent your time. And so then we could say, all right, what do we need to do forthe next quarter?
How do we needto shift? And we'll talk about that, um, in some of the upcoming lessons, butthe key is again, You will not be able to manage something that you don't havea grasp of. You will not be able to manage something that you don't know whatit is. Um, so taking a historical audit, tracking your time on an ongoing basisand remembering that data is King will help you.
Get a grasp onwhere you're actually spending your time. Now I'm not just talking about work,your work life. I'm talking about your personal life as well.
What, where didyou spend your time? Did you watch Netflix for three hours? Every Friday andSaturday night. Did you work on your house on Saturday morning?
Um, For seven hoursbecause the project took forever. Did you hang out with your kids? Um, how,how, how much time did you spend with your kids? This
will really thisaudit and this tracking of your time, really eliminate some of those areaswhere you're, it might shock you. Honestly, it will help you kind of refocus.
And again hasthe course is called reclaim your time and energy. You may think, Oh, I'm tiredall the time because I'm in meetings all the time, or I'm tired all the timebecause I spent so much time working on my house. And then you look at thenumbers and you look at the data and it's like, wait in a minute.
I actually onlyspent five hours last month working on my house, but I spent. 50 hours watchingNetflix. So maybe I should get more active and maybe I should do more exerciseto help my energy, um, be higher. Or maybe I should go to bed earlier and watchone less show at night so that I get better rest and have more energythroughout the day.
So again, trackyour time, take an audit of where you actually spend your time. So for yourhomework, uh, for your little take home action plan, I want you to open up aGoogle spreadsheet or, um, an Excel spreadsheet and don't
get crazy with it. Just,just literally lay out the schedule, um, go four to six
weeks back andlog roughly how many hours you spent on each type of activity each week?
Netflix. Emails phone calls, meetings,family time, special projects, nap, uninterrupted, focus, blocks, and so on.Once you go through and you just kind of list these out. And you'll. And youmay find, as you go through your, through your last four to six weeks, thatthere are different, um, types of tasks that you didn't think about that youneed to add.
That's fine.Just go through and just kind of track. How many about how many hours, youknow, you can do it by, you know, half an hour. Increments is fine. Um, Andthen just do that for the last four to six weeks. It really shouldn't take youtoo long, especially if you have most of the stuff on your calendar, if youdon't track most of your, um, activities on your calendar.
That's okay.Okay. Go back. As far as you can, maybe it's only two weeks and write down whatyou spent your time on. Maybe ask your partner or your roommate, um, or herkids, uh, where they remember you spending your time and. Once you get thatdata, you can do a quick YouTube or Google search and figure out how to turnthose into a chart or a formula or a pie chart.
That way you canjust kind of see, okay, this is what, this is how you know, visually seequickly where you've spent your time. All right. So again, start a simplespreadsheet. Don't make it too complicated. Write down the last four to sixweeks, just go through and just log how many hours you spent and don't, don'tget too crazy.
You don't haveto be exact right now, because again, what I want you to do once you do thehistorical audit, use that same sheet, maybe a different tab or down in adifferent section. You can do your kind of ongoing. So maybe every night, Takelike five minutes to just log how you spend your time that day and do that fora couple of weeks from now till a couple weeks from now.
Um, that way youget a really good data set instead of just a small sample size. Um, so again,simple spreadsheet, um, log the last four to six weeks. And then for the nextcouple of weeks, every day or two, go on, add your ongoing. Tracking time, uh,and then create, create a visual representation of that, that you can quicklyreference that you can share with us, your partner, you can share with your boss,you can share it with your assistant, whoever it is that you're trying to workwith to help you reclaim that energy in that time.
Um, you canshare that audit with, with them. So feel free to reach out if you have anyquestions, um, you can get a hold of me at.
Jeremy@goburrows.com.That's go. B U R R O w s.com. Feel free to reach out. I also have an onlinecourse@trackdotassistanceguide.com. That's free.
Jeremy@goburrows.com好了。B U R R O w s.com.網站。請隨時伸出援手。我也有一個網上course@trackdotasistanceguide.com。那是免費的。
That walks through how todo the Google calendar to Zapier.
To Googlespreadsheet, automated audit process. And it even includes a link to thetemplate that I use, um, a link to the Zapier. So you can just copy it intoyour Zapier account and you can set that up. And that's that's for the ongoingtracking of your time. Uh, if you use Google calendar, I'm sure there's a way,if you're a Microsoft calendar or an Apple calendar person, I'm sure there's away to do that.
There aredifferent time-tracking apps that you can look up as well, um, that you cankind of ongoing track your time just by clicking a button or checking into theapp. So that might be an easier way for you. Um, if you find the spreadsheet tobe tedious and cumbersome, so, all right. And that's track your time.