15min2020 NOV 24


1. TrackYour Time 1.追蹤你的時間  I am obsessedwith helping people save time, reclaim their energy and get stuff done. Uh, youcould. Call my job title a time and energy maker. Um, but I'm also officiallyknown as an executive assistant. So what I do is day in and day out is I helpmy executive reclaim his time, energy and productivity. 我癡迷於幫助人們節省時間、恢復精力和完成任務。呃,你可以的。給我的時間打電話。嗯,但我也被正式稱為行政助理。所以我日復一日的工作就是幫助我的主管恢復他的時間、精力和生產力。  And so. I'mgoing to help you do the same, but before I jump in, I want to just do a quickintroduction, um, to let you know a little bit more about me. I'm from Kansascity, Missouri, and I've been an executive assistant for about 13 and a half,14 years. Um, depending on when you're listening to this. Pod course, and I ammarried to my wife, Megan, we have two boys, Western and Silas, and we have ablast playing video games, uh, riding bikes, uh, jumping...
