China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
2min1 w ago


Three locations in China have recently been designated and included in the list of "The Second 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites" by the International Union of Geological Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Science said on Tuesday. 9月3日,由中國科學院南京地質古生物研究所主辦的"中國3家地質遺產地入選第二批國際地質科學聯合會100個地質遺產地名錄"新聞發布會在南京召開。 During the 37th International Geological Congress held on Aug 27 in Busan, Republic of Korea, Guilin Karst in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, the Permian Vegetation of the Wuda Fossil Site in Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and the Dashanpu Middle Jurassic Dinosaur Fossils Site in Sichuan province were included in this prestigious list. 在8 月 27 日於韓國釜山舉行的第 37 屆國際地質大會期間,廣西桂林喀斯特、內蒙古烏達二疊紀植被化石產地和自貢大山鋪恐龍化石群遺址被列入這一享有盛譽的名單。 According to the IUGS, a Geological Heritage Site is a significant location with exceptional geological features or processes of utmost sc...
