China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
4min6 d ago


Several regions in China have reported a rise in new births during the first half of the year, driven by pent-up demand to have children following the COVID-19 pandemic and the auspicious Year of the Dragon. However, experts caution that the increase is likely a short-term "episode" and that reversing the long-term decline in births will require more robust policy support. 2024年7月以來,多地發布數據顯示,今年上半年出生人口同比有所增長。專家表示,這與三孩政策以及農歷“龍年生龍子”有一定關系,也可能預示著出生人口下降趨勢略微出現緩解。 In Guangdong province, the number of births rose by 1.4 percent year-on-year during the first six months, according to Liu Fenghua, deputy head of Guangdong Women and Children Hospital. 廣東省婦幼保健院副院長劉風華向記者介紹,今年1-6月,全省活產數比去年同期略有增長,增幅為1.4%。 Liu told the Yangcheng Evening News that the increase was fueled by China's 2021 policy allowing couples to have up to three children, as well as the cultural significance of...
