China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
3min21 h ago


China aims to significantly reduce per capita food waste and bring grain loss rates below the global average by the end of 2027, according to a recently introduced action plan. 根據近日印發的行動方案,中國致力於大幅減少人均糧食浪費,目標是到2027年年底,糧食損失率控制在國際平均水平以下。 The plan to boost grain conservation and curb food waste was issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, China's Cabinet. 近日,中共中央辦公廳、國務院辦公廳印發了《糧食節約和反食品浪費行動方案》。 The plan sets targets for reducing food waste and enhancing grain efficiency nationwide, from production and storage to processing and consumption. 該方案設立了在全國範圍內降低糧食和食品損耗浪費的目標,涉及糧食生產、儲存、加工和消費等各環節。 It emphasizes the application of advanced technologies and high-efficiency machinery to minimize grain loss during harvesting, and farmers will be supported through subsidies and training...
