10min2020 NOV 24


1. BasicPrinciples


Amy Johnson as apsychologist, coach, author, and speaker in 2017, she opened the little schoolof big change. An online school that has helped. Hundreds of people findfreedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life. Amy has been aregularly featured expert on the Steve Harvey show and oprah.com as well as inthe wall street journal and self magazine.



In this course,Amy will share her groundbreaking approach to finding true lasting freedom frombad habits without relying on willpower. In part one, Amy will explain her nowillpower philosophy, including a brief illustration of how it works. In parttwo, we will explore the nature of habits, how they get formed and thedifference between good habits and bad ones.



Par three willdefine the concept of insight and why it's so fundamental to behavioral change.In part four, Amy will outline the connection between habits and mental health.And in part five, we'll learn about our own innate resilience and how to breakfree of bad habits forever. And now we'll begin with part one basic principle.



Can you give anoverview of what the no willpower philosophy is? Human beings are constantly ina state of change. We're already changing all the time. Our experience is in aconstant flow, always, always changing. And what happens just to kind of saythis really high level, what happens in, in general is that we feel somethingor do something or think something that, that we

don't like.



That we say iswrong. And so we go in and we try to make up for it. We try to change it. Wetry to change our thoughts or our feelings or change our behaviors. And we comeup with all these plans and we push and push and

push. And that'skind of what willpower is. And that tends to get us a little bit more stuck inwhatever we're already experiencing.



Now, when we see just byinsight by, by just seeing how we really work. Oh,

it's allchanging already. It, it allows us to stay out of the picture a little bitmore. Like, we're not jumping in trying to manipulate everything. And lo andbehold, when people tend to kind of relax and see that their experience isalways changing and not take it so seriously, it tends to change a lot faster.



We're not inthere in the way. And so we don't need to use willpower and force anddiscipline and all of these. The way we have been it's, it's more aboutinsightfully seeing that things are changing on their own. So it ends up beinga very, very different kind of thing. Oh, ouch.


Who is thiscourse for? Who I tend to love to speak to. And so who might most resonate withthis is, is those people that do have something in mind that they would love tohave be different, and maybe they have taken those paths of pushing and forcingand willpower ING only to see that they only get short-term effects.



So anybody who'stried to change a habit through a behavioral strategy, through a plan, througha bunch of hard work and they found, Oh, wait, this doesn't work as well as Ithought it would, or it doesn't last as long as I wanted it to, they're goingto love this because it's a, it flips that on it.



What's wrongwith using willpower to break bad habits. There's nothing wrong with usingwillpower. And in fact, willpower's a great tool at times, you know, forcertain things, but, but when it comes to deep and lasting change, you know,when it comes to finding ourselves free of a long lasting habit, willpower

is just.



It's just thewrong tool for that job. You know, it's willpower, it takes will and power. Ittakes a lot of effort and energy and, and we have those things in very limitedresource li very limited supply. And. And also when we're caught up in a habitis when we have the least amount of willpower, you know, when we're strugglingand we're in the middle of cravings and urges, and we're

feeling lost.



That's the lasttime in the world, we're going to have a bunch of willpower to summon. So it'snot that willpower in and of itself is wrong or bad. And in fact, it's helpfulat times, but it does not, as far as I can see with thousands of people, Imean, it, it doesn't do the job of. Helping us get to this really deep lastingchange, the way that insight that's.



Can you share abrief success story that will convince me to finish this course and takeaction. I just wrote about a woman who I worked with. We'll call her Linda.That's not really her name. Um, she, her habit was a nightly wine habit that,um, that took on a life of its own beyond what she was okay with.



So, you know, itstarted with Linda hating her job and being really caught up in her head allday at work. And because she felt so horrible while she was working and. Youknow, it looked like her job. It looked like the job is stressful and theydon't appreciate me. And all this stuff in mind will tell us she didn't realizeshe was feeling her own thinking, but she, she thought I hate this job that I'mforced to go here.



She spent eighthours every day in this horrible feeling. And we're not meant to spend eighthours or even eight minutes in a really horrible feeling. So her. Her mind keptsaying, there's gotta be a way out of this. There's gotta be a way out andinnocently enough, you know, she'd come home from work in the beginning, have afew sips of, of a glass of wine and her mind would start to get quiet.



It wasn't, thewine didn't have this magical power, but, but it did have the ability to kindof quiet our mind. And when her mind was quieted, she felt a lot better. Shefelt a lot more like herself. And so. In some way, her mind as minds, do hermind kind of paired these things together? Hey, I feel horrible.


I drink this. Ifeel like myself again. And of course she knew better. Of course she didn'twant to drink wine all the time and all of that. Yeah. If we were all smartenough to know that that's not the way we want to cope, but our brains reallystrong and her brain said, Hey, we need you to feel like yourself.



That's whereyou're meant to be feeling. So if it takes wine, that's what you're doing. Soin a very short period of time, when I worked with her, she went from. Youknow, a glass of wine after work two, three, and four, and, and even more,sometimes every single night. And, and she tried all the willpower approaches,you know, she tried to just give herself rules.



She made it anew year's resolution. She tried to take her down. She tried to do all of that.But it was always a fight because she, her brain was saying, no, we really wantthis. Now. Maybe you can overpower me. Her brain would say, you know, maybe youcan, you can shut me up and not have the wine tonight, but man, tomorrow you'rejust going to feel even worse because that's how she, that's how it looked toher.



So every timeshe tried to. White knuckle it, you know, go cold Turkey, taper down, whateverit was. It was almost worse. It's almost worse because she still really wantedit. And she thought, how long can I keep up this fight? Well, as Linda startedto really see a few things, one, her brain had just equated whine with feelinggood.



Now that'sprobably not news to anyone listening. We know that's what happens, but whenshe really deeply saw that this substance doesn't in and of itself, make mefeel anyway. She could have wine and feel horrible. Many people do, she couldhave wine and feel wonderful. She, you know, so it wasn't the wine in and of itself.



It was that hermind was clearing. When she started to see that all of a sudden this drinklooked like a really different thing. It wasn't the magic bullet anymore. Itwas something her mind had associated with feeling good. And that opened up somuch for her to start to see, Oh, wow. Maybe, maybe I don't need this the way Ithink I do.



And so she alsostarted to see how, how her experience has created that moment. By moment,we're feeling the thought is coming to life within us. We're feeling thought,and we feel it in so many ways, physically, emotionally, mentally. And so shecould see that throughout the day at work, she was feeling horrible, but itwasn't her job doing that.



It was that shewas really caught up in this experience. And, and so her whole experience ofher day started to soften and change. And before long, she was feeling a lotmore like herself, even during the day at work. So there wasn't this bigbuildup of tension that needed to be released. And then also when she came homeand when her brain said, okay, it's time for the wine.



Cause it did saythat because that's how brains work. Right. She just saw that as a machine.It's like, Oh, I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to help me, but Idon't need that. My mind is going to clear out as she had these insights andreally saw that. Okay. Anything I feel is moving through me.


It's all. Okay.And it's none of it's permanent. None of it's personal. Everything started tosoften. And even when her brain was saying it's wine time, she, she could say,no, I'm not going to do that right now without willpower, just because itdidn't look the same or feel the same. And before, along there, there was justno habit there anymore.
