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1. 希臘大哲學家蘇格拉底告誡人們要“了解自己”( “know thyself”),而探索人的潛意識就是了解自己的必要一環。這一系列的12講小課教給您的知識,將幫助您將更快地做出決策、更順利地實現目標,您也會對焦慮、渴望等情感有重新的認識,甚至會發覺那些從前没有意識到的個人偏見。

2. Top 100 慕課教授為您講授夢境、精神疾病、詩歌、繪畫深層的原理,一起進入潛意識尋找那些被唿視的智慧。 

3. 你將學到:潛意識是如何影響我們的生活和判斷的?如何通過進入和調節潛意識來改善自己?當前的科學和理論對潛意識的研究發現。

4. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解課程。

  • 米奇·格林博士(Mitch Green)
    米奇·格林博士(Mitch Green)

8. Hysteria and hypnosis Episode eight hysteria and hypnosis. [00:00:10] In his book, hidden minds, the history of the unconscious, the British author and psychologist, Frank Telus discusses another, a comparatively neglected figure in the history of thought about the unconscious mind. This was pier Genae a philosopher and psychologist who worked in France and the latter part of the 19th century and early 20th among his interests with use of hypnosis, to treat patients who were experiencing disorders that had no obvious physical explanation. [00:00:35] In the latter part of the 19th century, the word hysteria was a catch all term, referring to symptoms and patients that might nowadays fall under the categories of obsessive compulsive disorders, epileptic seizures, histrionic personality disorders, dissociative identity disorders, or personality disorders. [00:00:53] One such example of a so-called hysterical patient as recounted by Telus was the case of a young woman by the ...

6. The Romantic unconscious Episode six, the romantic, unconscious [00:00:08] 70th, and much of the 18th centuries in Europe, style themselves as the age of reason and era suffused with confidence that human powers or rationality could comprehend the workings of nature in such ways to bend it to our will. Nicola, Copernicus, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, and other great scientists of the era made astonishing advances in our understanding of the physical world. [00:00:29] These pioneers were also an inspiration to others who dreamed of developing a kind of physics of the mind, which would lay bare the inner workings of human mentality in such a way as to render it, not just intelligible, but also capable of being harnessed for the betterment of humanity. We've already noted that live nuts while hugely impressed by the power of reason. [00:00:48] And as a scientist in the same league, as Newton, Boyle, and Copernicus had doubts that at least conscious forms of rationality can te...

5. Locke, Leibniz’s and “minute perceptions” Part two precursors to psychoanalysis [00:00:08] episode five block live nit sand minute perceptions. John Locke 1632 to 1704 was an English physician philosopher. Whose thoughts about government were an inspiration to many, including the authors of the United States constitution. He was also an influential proponent to the philosophical doctrine known as empiricism, which is the view that all knowledge derives from sensory experience and only from sensory experience to both to that appearances view lock Lockhill that if something is in one's mind, well, cannot fail to be aware that it is. [00:00:41] In his major work essay, concerning human understanding, luck, rights, whilst the soul thinks and perceives, it must necessarily be conscious of its own perception. Similarly, he remarks to be happy or miserable. Yeah. Without being conscious of it seems to me utterly inconsistent and impulsive, like also points out it isn't possible...

4. Preconscious and subconscious Conscious preconscious and subconscious. [00:00:10] It is not easy to define the notion of the unconscious, at least in a way that illuminates and much the reason is that the unconscious is best to find an opposition to that of consciousness. But who knows how to define that? We can point to examples of conscious experience, but it's very difficult to take matters further. [00:00:27] We need to start somewhere though. So let's try with examples. Imagine you go for a walk on a warm and sunny spring morning, depending on where in the world you imagine yourself to be. You might hear innumerable birds, singing waves, crashing, freeway, traffic, construction, equipment, droning away, or kids yelling their hearts out on a playground. [00:00:46] No matter what you hear also imagine paying careful attention to whatever sound impinges on you. You are now conscious of that sound, whether it's birds, waves or kids, these are examples of conscious experi...

Trailer 預告 Your unconsciousmind is like a shadow that follows you around wherever you go. But unlike ashadow, it's there. Even when the lights are out and while you can gazedirectly at shadows, you can't look directly into your unconscious mind. However,many psychologists, painters, philosophers, novelist, and other students, thathuman experience would argue that your unconscious mind has a huge impact onthe course of your life, including your ability to obtain happiness and wisdom.你的無意識思維就像一個影子,無論你走到哪里,它都會跟著你。但不像影子,它就在那里。即使燈滅了,當你可以直視陰影時,你也不能直視你的潛意識。然而,許多心理學家、畫家、哲學家、小說家和其他學生認為,人類的經驗會認為,你的無意識思維對你的生命歷程有著巨大的影響,包括你獲得幸福和智慧的能力。 How then can weunderstand that unconscious mind in the hope of attaining happiness and wisdom,if we can't access it directly, my name is Mitch green and I teach and conductresearch at the university of...

1. Understanding ourselves and others 1.了解自己和他人 Yeah,unconscious. What am I B and why it matters? Understanding ourselves andothers. 是的,不省人事。我是什麼?為什麼重要?了解自己和他人。 Everyday talk ispeppered with references, either explicit or implicit to the unconscious. Forinstance, it's not uncommon to hear someone referring to another person asharboring anger at his parents or feelings of inadequacy about his ownabilities. Implicit in such remarks is often the idea that the person inquestion is not aware of the anger or the feelings of inadequacy. 每天的談話都充滿了對潛意識的暗示,無論是顯性的還是隱性的。例如,有人說另一個人對父母懷有憤怒或對自己能力不足的感覺並不少見。這些話中隱含著這樣一種想法,即當事人没有意識到自己的憤怒或不適當的感覺。 Also suchdescriptions might be offered as part of an explanation of why the person inquestion behaves as they do. That's why he does just those things that provokehis parents so much. And this pattern o...

2. Knowledge, wisdom and the examined life 2.知識、智慧與考究的人生 Knowledge wisdomand the examined life,highly intelligent and extremely knowledgeable withoutbeing wise to see why, let me explain a bit about how philosophers think aboutknowledge and then contrast that phenomenon with wisdom, knowledge comes inmany forms, personal impersonal ability and propositional. Personal knowledge,as you might surmise concerns, what an individual knows such knowledge dividesinto two subclasses and only those in which a person knows that something isthe case, so-called propositional knowledge and those in which a person knowshow to do something so-called ability, knowledge, and example of personalpropositional knowledge is when Akbar knows that Tbilisi is a city in Georgia. 知識智慧與被審視的人生,高度智慧,極其博學而不見得聰明明白為什麼,讓我來解釋一下哲學家是如何看待知識的,然后將這種現象與智慧進行對比,知識有多種形式,個人的非個人能力和命題性。個人知識,正如你可能猜測的那樣...

9. Parapraxes Part three Freud's astounding claims episode nine parapraxis. So when Freud and Joseph Briar collaborated successfully up until the publication of their work studies on hysteria published in 1895. The book was relatively well-received. Nevertheless, it was not long before the two authors had parted ways. [00:00:24] One reason is that as you thought more about the causes and potential treatment of hysterical symptoms, Freud found himself placing more and more emphasis on sexual causes, who was becoming convinced that frustrated sexual urges were at the root of a great variety of hysterical symptoms. Brighter on the other hand, found the suggestion, limiting and wished to remain open to the possibility of a wide variety of possible causes that troubled his patients at the same time for, I was losing faith in the power of hypnosis to reveal the unconscious sources of his patient's behavior. [00:00:53] Whereas Broyer was convinced of the therapeutic power of the meth...

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