探索潛意識:在靈魂深處遇見未知的自己(附英文原稿)2. Knowledge, wisdom and the examined life 知識、智慧和經過檢驗的人生
8min2020 NOV 24
2. Knowledge, wisdom and the examined life 2.知識、智慧與考究的人生 Knowledge wisdomand the examined life,highly intelligent and extremely knowledgeable withoutbeing wise to see why, let me explain a bit about how philosophers think aboutknowledge and then contrast that phenomenon with wisdom, knowledge comes inmany forms, personal impersonal ability and propositional. Personal knowledge,as you might surmise concerns, what an individual knows such knowledge dividesinto two subclasses and only those in which a person knows that something isthe case, so-called propositional knowledge and those in which a person knowshow to do something so-called ability, knowledge, and example of personalpropositional knowledge is when Akbar knows that Tbilisi is a city in Georgia. 知識智慧與被審視的人生,高度智慧,極其博學而不見得聰明明白為什麼,讓我來解釋一下哲學家是如何看待知識的,然后將這種現象與智慧進行對比,知識有多種形式,個人的非個人能力和命題性。個人知識,正如你可能猜測的那樣...