7min2021 FEB 24


9. Parapraxes Part three Freud's astounding claims episode nine parapraxis. So when Freud and Joseph Briar collaborated successfully up until the publication of their work studies on hysteria published in 1895. The book was relatively well-received. Nevertheless, it was not long before the two authors had parted ways. [00:00:24] One reason is that as you thought more about the causes and potential treatment of hysterical symptoms, Freud found himself placing more and more emphasis on sexual causes, who was becoming convinced that frustrated sexual urges were at the root of a great variety of hysterical symptoms. Brighter on the other hand, found the suggestion, limiting and wished to remain open to the possibility of a wide variety of possible causes that troubled his patients at the same time for, I was losing faith in the power of hypnosis to reveal the unconscious sources of his patient's behavior. [00:00:53] Whereas Broyer was convinced of the therapeutic power of the meth...
