7min2021 FEB 3


8. Hysteria and hypnosis Episode eight hysteria and hypnosis. [00:00:10] In his book, hidden minds, the history of the unconscious, the British author and psychologist, Frank Telus discusses another, a comparatively neglected figure in the history of thought about the unconscious mind. This was pier Genae a philosopher and psychologist who worked in France and the latter part of the 19th century and early 20th among his interests with use of hypnosis, to treat patients who were experiencing disorders that had no obvious physical explanation. [00:00:35] In the latter part of the 19th century, the word hysteria was a catch all term, referring to symptoms and patients that might nowadays fall under the categories of obsessive compulsive disorders, epileptic seizures, histrionic personality disorders, dissociative identity disorders, or personality disorders. [00:00:53] One such example of a so-called hysterical patient as recounted by Telus was the case of a young woman by the ...
