Own it Babe
46min2019 MAR 12


Hey everyone and welcome to the Own it Babe Podcast! First off, I want to thank all of you for the amazing feedback and messages I received after my episode last week. I totally did not plan on giving you a 20 minute life update and rambling away on what’s going on in my brain, but clearly it resonated with a lot of you, so I am glad I shared the episode despite feeling a bit nervous or even embarrassed by what I shared… Today’s episode is an amazing one if you are currently thinking about starting to eat intuitively or you have been doing it for a while, but are confused about how to understand the research behind it or are still tempted by nutrition articles that suggest to cut out certain foods or eat in a way that doesn’t really comply with the Intuitive Eating Principles. Today’s guest Kathleen Meehan is passionate about working with people as they learn to listen to their bodies for guidance to discover what feels good. With an undergraduate degree and a masters degree in...
