Torture Cinema
1h 15min2019 SEP 3
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Greasy chest hair, lasting 2 minutes, and animal abuse, oh my! Recorded (sorta last minute) in a hotel room in Dublin, Ireland, this special edition features Shaun Duke, Alex Acks, Julia Rios, Jen Zink, Brandon O’Brien, and special guest / friend of the show, Linnea! Together, our intrepid crew tackles yet another Nicolas Cage debacle,Next, which could charitably be called alooseadaptation of a Philip K. Dick short story. From questionable dating practices to equally questionable government tactics to additionally questionable life choices, this episode is packed with laughs, jetlag, absurd rants, and, well, lots of the stuff y’all want in an episode of Torture Cinema! We hope you enjoy the episode! Overall Grade: D+ Show Notes: * Next(IMDb) * Next(Wikipedia) * Linnea’s Stuff: * Starcrashed Podcast * RobotMariaReviews on YouTube! * RobotMaria199 on Twitter! * Thanks for joining us, Linnea! You rock! * Our Grades: * Shaun (D-) * Alex (C) * Julia (D+) * Linnea (D) * Jen (D) * Brand...

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