Torture Cinema
55min2020 MAR 10
Play Episode


Chinese ninjas drug dealers, questionable costumes, and premed / law prostitutes, oh my! Shaun Duke, Jen Zink, and Paul Weimer are back on the Torture Cinema horse with a deliciously stupid Patreon-selected mashup:The VelociPastor. We tackle the film’s questionable production history, its various odd narrative decisions, what it means to film three different countries in the same location, the power of the clawth (heh), and so much more! We hope you enjoy the episode! Show Notes: * The Velocipastor(IMDb) * Our Grades: * Shaun (C+) * Jen (D) * Paul (C-) * Average (C-ish) * The Down Under Fan Fund (VOTE FOR SHAUN!) If you have a question you’d like us to answer, feel free to shoot us a message onour contact page. Our new intro and outro music comes from “Sphere” by Creo (CC BY 4.0), which has been slightly modified to include sound effects and for length purposes.

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