Iroquois History and Legends
22min2016 FEB 21


The Five Nations of the Iroquois were locked in centuries of war, revenge killings, hate and cannibalism. Then a mysteriousHuron man appeared on a quest to unite the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca peoples together under the Great Law of Peace. This would become the Iroquois Confederacy. A Native American government with equal rights and a representativegovernment that left Europeans in bewilderment. These are the histories and legends of the Haudenosaunee. The People of the Longhouse. Sources- Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World (The Iroquois and Their Neighbors) 2005by William Engelbrecht Seneca Myths and Folk Talesby Arthur C. Parker Kayanlaˀ Kówa – Great Law of Peace -The Peace Maker & Hiawatha - Traditional Haudenosaunee oral history.
