Iroquois History and Legends

Iroquois History and Legends

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The Iroquois Confederacy. An Indigenous North American civilization with equal rights and representative government that left Europeans in bewilderment. Their influence affected the American free spirit and the modern day woman's rights movement. This show covers the culture, histories and legends of the Haudenosaunee. The People of the Longhouse.

What is the Iroquois History and Legends Podcast and what will we be discussing?

The Five Nations of the Iroquois were locked in centuries of war, revenge killings, hate and cannibalism. Then a mysteriousHuron man appeared on a quest to unite the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca peoples together under the Great Law of Peace. This would become the Iroquois Confederacy. A Native American government with equal rights and a representativegovernment that left Europeans in bewilderment. These are the histories and legends of the Haudenosaunee. The People of the Longhouse. Sources- Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World (The Iroquois and Their Neighbors) 2005by William Engelbrecht Seneca Myths and Folk Talesby Arthur C. Parker Kayanlaˀ Kówa – Great Law of Peace -The Peace Maker & Hiawatha - Traditional Haudenosaunee oral history.

We explore the mechanics of the Iroquois Councils. A system of protocols, title offices and a separation of powers that has been followed for centuries. Sources-Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World (The Iroquois and Their Neighbors) 2005by William Engelbrecht GAYANASHAGOWA (Great Law of Peace) - Haudenosaunee Constitution attributed toDekanawidah the Peacemaker

The Six Nations are further broken down into clans. Clans are represented by certain animals. The purpose is not to divide a nation but in fact to bring about unity and help in times of mourning. Join us as we learn how clans were a benefitto everyone in Iroquoia. Sources- How the Clans were Chosen - Oneida Nation Oral History Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World: Iroquois & Their Neighborsby William Engelbrecht and Caleb Rector GAYANASHAGOWA (The Great Law of Peace) - Haudenosaunee Constitiution

The Three Sisters are Corn, Beans and Squash. Not only are they well balanced varieties of vegetables they also work together in symbiosis. We discuss agriculture, food gathering and storage. Sources- Iroquois Uses of Maize and Other Food Plantsby Arthur C. Parker Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World: Iroquois & Their Neighborsby William Engelbrecht & Caleb Rector Skywoman: Legends of the Iroquois byJoanne Shenandoah

Pastimes that people do on the weekends was a way of life for the people of the Eastern Woodlands. Learn about the animals that were vital to the way of life in all Iroquoia. Today we will talk about deer drives, fishing, beaver trapping and .... bear raising? Sources- Voyages de la Nouvelle France by Samuel de Champlain Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World: Iroquois & Their Neighborsby William Engelbrecht and Caleb Rector Iroquois Uses of Maize and Other Food Plantsby Arthur C. Parker 1491: NEW REVELATIONS OF THE AMERICAS BEFORE COLUMBUS BY CHARLES MANN

The Six Nations were not alone on the continent. There were many other nationalitiesthatinhabited the north eastern woodlands. This week we will talk about where the Huron, Erie, Neutrals, Susquehannock, Mahican, Delaware and other nations lived at the time of first contact with the Europeans. Sources- Iroquoia: The Development of a Native Worldby William Engelbrecht and Caleb Rector IROQUOIS DIPLOMACY ON THE EARLY AMERICAN FRONTIER BY TIMOTHY J. SHANNON 1491: NEW REVELATIONS OF THE AMERICAS BEFORE COLUMBUS BY CHARLES MANN

At the end of the15thCentury the Age ofDiscoveryand Exploration was justbeginning.In 1534 Jacques Cartiermadecontact with the Iroquoianpeoples ofthe St. LawrenceRiver valley.It was all downhill fromthere. In fact thingswill neverbe the same. OldWorldpathogens will soon destroyanyone'sway of life who happenstocall the Americas home. Sources- Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World: Iroquois & Their Neighborsby William Engelbrecht and Caleb Rector THE JESUITS IN NORTH AMERICA IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY BY FRANCIS PARKMEN IROQUOIS DIPLOMACY ON THE EARLY AMERICAN FRONTIER BY TIMOTHY J. SHANNON 1491: NEW REVELATIONS OF THE AMERICAS BEFORE COLUMBUS BY CHARLES MANN

To the Haudenosaunee stories are a vital part of their culture. In this show we will share two of them. Turtle's Race with Beaver and How Bear Lost His Tail. Sources - Inspired by Traditional Seneca stories as told inSKUNNY WUNDY: SENECA INDIAN TALES BY ARTHUR CASWELL PARKER

Warfare was a way of life for everyone living in Northeastern America since before there was memory or record. Today we talk about how warfare was conducted pre-European contact. Also with the waves of epidemics destroying native populations the Iroquois Nations stepped up raids into neighboring regions looking for captivesto assimilate into their communities. Sources: IROQUOIA: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIVE WORLD BY WILLIAM ENGELBRECHT IROQUOIS DIPLOMACY ON THE EARLY AMERICAN FRONTIER BY TIMOTHY J. SHANNON 1491: NEW REVELATIONS OF THE AMERICAS BEFORE COLUMBUS BY CHARLES MANN CHAMPLAIN'S DREAM BY DAVID HACKETT FISCHER

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